Sunday, September 7, 2014


Memory verse: Psalm 34:19  
"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all".  

1. Tests and trials are to be expected in life  
 Acts 14:22. We must through much tribulation enter the kingdom  
1Cor 10:13a - No temptation taken you but such as is common to man.  
1Thes. 3:3 No man should be moved by these afflictions for yourselves know that we are appointed there unto.   1Pet. 5:9 knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren.  
1Pet. 4:12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try (test) you.  

2. Trials often result when things don't go our way: James 4:2  

a. Often God will grant your hearts desire
Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself in the Lord & He shall give you the desires of thine hears.
Psalm 84:11  No good thing will He withhold.  

b. But sometimes he withholds it because it's not His time.   
Eccl. 3:1-8 There is a time to every purpose under the heaven.

c. Or because it would choke out your fruitfulness
Mk 4:7,19 - The lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, & becometh unfruitful.  

d. Or seriously stumble or offend others:  
1Thes. 5:22 Abstain (even) from all appearance of evil.  
Rom 14:14-16,21. Destroy not him with thy meat, for who Christ died.
e. Or being reproach on the Lord's work or ministry
2Sam. 12:14 By this deed (murdering Uriah) thou has given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme.
2Cor. 6:3 Giving no offence … that the ministry be not blamed.
My Commitment
Heavenly, father I make a commitment to live a life that would not bring blame to your work on earth.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Mark16:15" And he said unto them,  Go ye into all the world, and  preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that  believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall  they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they  drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." 

Heavenly Fathers, I thank you for calling me to serve you in your holy vineyard . I declare I am a servant of the most high God. Every covenant i have made with satan and his demons that is giving him access to my life , i renounce and reject in the name of Jesus Christ. I declare that I have been chosen and anointed by God for the work of ministry . I declare that have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus.  I declare I am an instrument for the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit , through the anointing working through me I shall make the poor rich, the broken hearted shall be healed, the blind shall see  , the deaf shall hear, the lame shall work , all diseases are destroyed when I pray , the dead are raised back to life in Jesus name. Let my body become a miracle working instrument , so that extraordinary miracles will be done through me , my clothes shall touch the sick and they shall recover, the dead shall rise in the name of Jesus Christ .
I believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit . I receive the power of the Holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in a supernatural prayer language , whenever I open my mouth to pray in tongues fire comes out and destroys wichcraft forces, demons flee, and instant miracles take place. stubborn doors of prosperity open , the prisoners are released in the name of Jesus name.
I receive fire for boldness to preach the gospel to prominent men and women , to strangers with signs and wonders following in the name of Jesus Christ.   As I preach , the hearts of men and women shall be opened to receive the word of God in the name of Jesus Christ.  They shall desire to follow me in serving God in Jesus name.  I receive fire for worship, whenever I lift up my voice in worship angels are moved and heaven responds , demons flee when I worship, miracles take place when I worship in the name of Jesus Christ. I declare that my heart is anointed with fire to love worshiping God in Jesus name.
Father let your fire for studying your word without ending rest upon me in Jesus name. I receive the spirit of wisdom, and revelation of God in Christ and the ability to interpret complicated words in the name of Jesus Christ . Let there be a stiring  up of the Holy Ghost fire to teach the word of God with simplicity , boldness , signs and wonders following in the name of Jesus Christ .
Dear Father show me my spiritual office and purpose in the house of God, let the fire for ministry swallow me up in the name of Jesus Christ, let my heart be filled with humility to serve, I reject the spirit of pride in the name of Jesus Christ. Let me serve effectively in the place you have called me to serve in the name of Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father put in me an unquenchable fire for fellowship , every strong man planted in my life to keep me from fellowship , stumble and fall in the name of Jesus Christ , I destroy every evil covenant keeping me away from the house of God in the name of Jesus, dear  lord destroy every habit of absenteeism from church activities in my life in Jesus name. Every satanic assignment designed to keep me away from fellowship  , burn to ashes in Jesus name. Every tree producing seeds of sin in my life to stop my serving God be uprooted in the name of Jesus Christ.  Dear lord reward my service in your vineyard with extraordinary breakthroughs in my finances, health , marriage, business in the name of Jesus Christ. Let those persons that mock me be disappointed in the name of Jesus Christ. I declare the world shall see the shining of my light in the Jesus name.
Let every strongman that has vowed to see that I do not grow spiritually be disappointed in Jesus name.
Dear lord fill me with your Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues , and every time I pray in.  tongues  let Satanic alters be demolished , let evil men be set into confusion , let strength to do great exploit overshadow me in Jesus name. As I pray in tongue lord , let my name be announced in high places in Jesus name.
let revelations of your glory upon me be revealed , let Satanic dreams about failure and disaster be demolished. Let doors be opened to me to minister your word and let stubborn hearts melt as I preach with signs and wonders following in Jesus name. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Decongesting the head.

How to Relieve Head Congestion
Head congestion is caused by swollen nasal passages and mucous membranes, over production of mucous, stuffiness and sometimes clogged ears. This congestion may be caused by a virus, an infection or simply by allergies.
Head congestion can be alleviated, but it is a multi-step process requiring dedication to the endresult. This is how to relieve head congestion.
Steps1 Drink 2 to 3 times the amount that you normally do in order to thin the mucous.
2Drink hot tea or spicy soup to help clear out the sinuses.
3Eat chicken soup to alleviate dizziness.
4Inhale steam at least 3 times a day for 10 minutes each time.The steam can come from steam vaporizers, hot tea, hot compresses or a hot shower. The steam will clear out mucous and open up the sinus cavities.
5Try acupressure.
*.Place your thumbs on either side of the bridge of your nose. Press the hollow point between the bridge of your nose and the cheekbone. Let your head relax so that its weight is resting on your thumbs and your thumbs are putting pressure on that hollow place.*.Place the middle and index fingers of each hand to the sides of the nostrils and just under the cheekbones. Press up and under the cheekbones with your fingers gently but firmly for 1 minute.
6Try medication.*.Take over the counter decongestants according to the dosage instructions on the label. These reduce the size of nasal blood vessels and mucous membranes.*.Use nasal sprays according to the instructions on the label. These willgo from helpful to harmful if you use them too often or too long.
7Try irrigation*.Use a nasal pot or a sinus rinse to flush the mucous out of your sinuses. These irrigation systems send a combination of sterile water and a special saline powder mixture through your sinus cavitiesto break up the mucous and encourage it to come out.
8Place more pillows under your head, shoulders and back while you are sleeping to prop yourself up.Remaining closer to a 45 degree angle than lying completely flat will help discourage mucous from pooling in your sinuses overnight.

9Rest and allow your immune system to repair your body and fight off any underlying causes of the congestion.
Head congestion that is not relieved may turn into an infection and may require a visit to the doctor. If it is aninfection, the doctor may prescribe stronger decongestants and an antibiotic to kill the infection.

1*.Never drink alcohol while fending offhead congestion. Metabolizing alcohol steals water from your cells that they need to thin mucous and perform other congestion relieving duties.
inputs from:  Wiki know

Monday, September 1, 2014



John 9:2 "And his disciples asked him saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?" JOHN 9:1-4 The disciples asked a question that still puzzles many people today. Why is a child born with a physical defect? Is it a judgment of God upon the parents for some sin, or is it possibly God's judgment upon the child for sins that God knows he will commit? Jesus Himself had previously linked sickness with sin. In this instance, however, Jesus said this blindness was not caused by this man's or his parents' sins. This has led many people to interpret the rest of this verse as saying that God made this man blind just so that He could heal him and be glorified thereby. From this thinking, many doctrinal teachings have risen about how sickness and other problems in our lives are actually blessings from God, intended to bring glory to God and correction to us. This reasoning, however, does not line up with the other truths of God's Word. It was not God who made this beggar blind. This man was not born blind because of any one person's sins but because sin in general had corrupted the perfect balance that God had created in nature. Therefore, some maladies happen, not as a direct result of an individual's sins but as an indirect result of sin in general. Deuteronomy 28 settles forever the question of whether sickness, poverty, and oppression are really blessings in disguise. God says that sickness and poverty are curses - not blessings from God. Christ redeemed us from these curses of the law so that now the blessings may come upon us through Him (Galatians 3:13). God's curses have been placed on Jesus and removed from those who accept Jesus' sacrifice. You are blessed and as you read this now , receive healing in your body and that of member of you family in Jesus name.