Saturday, February 16, 2013


1. The Argument Of Change
The material world we know is a world of change. Children , trees growing we see change every where .
Nothing changes itself. Apparently self –moving things , like animal bodies, are moved by desire or will- something other than mere molecules . in death the molecules remain but the animal no longer moves because the desire or will is no longer present to move it.

The question now is are there other things outside the changing thing also changing ? are the movers also moving? If so , all of them stand in need right now of being acted on by other things , or else they cannot change . no matter how many things they are in the series , each one needs something outside itself to actualize its potentiality for change.
The universe is the sum total of all these moving things, however many they are. The whole universe  is in the process of change . we have concluded that there is the need for an outside force to ensure change , that outside force for the universe is GOD. If there is nothing outside the universe then there is nothing to cause change but since change is a reality then there must be something that transcend the universal elements of time , space, and matter and that thing must be the unchangeable changer God.

2.The argument of efficient causality. 
We notice that some things cause other things to be. E.g the violinist creates music we hear. The music stops when he stops. All those things which are causing other things to be, need a cause. Everything that exists , therefore, on this hypothesis , stands in need of being caused to exist.  Existence is like a gift given from cause to effect. If there is no one who has the gift the gift cannot be passed down . but we do get it ; we exist. Therefore there must exist a God: an uncaused personality who does not need to receive existence like us- and like every other link in the chain of receivers -
1.      The Argument From Desire
  1. every natural ,innate desire in us corresponds to some real objects that can satisfy that desire.
  2. But there exist in us a desire which nothing in time, nothing on earth no creature can satisfy .
  3. Therefore there must exist something more than time, earth and creatures, which can satisfy this desire.
  4. This something is what we call “God” and “life with God forever”
There are two kinds of desires 1. innate and externally conditioned e.g food , sex, drink 2. non-innate or supernatural. Eg , power, ability to fly, super eagles wining the world cup. Utopia . 
According to C. S.  Lewis
“Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for these desires exists. A baby feels hunger ; well, there is such a thing as food. A  duckling wants to swim ; well, there is such a thing as water. Men feel sexual desire; well , there is such a thing as sex. If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy , the most probable explanation is  that I was made for another world. “  

4.The argument from Aesthetic experience . wherever you turn you see beauty all around , this speaks of an organized process of creation by an artist. No artwork appears on its accord. So is creation.
5. The Argument from religious Experience 
Some sort of  experience lies at the core of every religious faith. And the following could be adduced from them all .
a.       many people of different eras and of widely different cultures claim to have had an experience of the “divine,”
b.      it is inconceivable that so many people could be wrong or under psychosis from generation to generation.
c.       Therefore there exists a “divine” reality which  persons of different eras have experienced .
6.The Argument From Miracles
 a. a miracle is an event whose only adequate explanation is the extraordinary and direct intervention of God.
b. there are numerous and well-attested miracles.
c. there are numerous event whose only explanation is a direct intervention from God,
d. therefore God exists.
7. The Argument From Conscience

There is a moral absolute which binds every body and that is that we should all obey 
Our conscience. Even the most ardent moral subjectivist agrees with this maxim. The question now is where did conscience get such an absolute authority. There are only four possibilities .
  1. from something less than me –nature
  2. from me- individual
  3. from others equal to me – society
  4. from something above me – God
lets analyze the various conditions since you cant be obligated to something lesser than you say a dog, or to yourself which will then mean you have become the absolute authority, neither will allow yourself be obligated to someone your equal therefore the only realistic answer is that there is a God who put in man conscience and we are all obligated to Him. The ten commandments are the blue prints to our moral code..

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