Saturday, May 30, 2015


. The main difference between God’s judgements of Lucifer’s world and Noah’s world is that Lucifer’s world was completely destroyed. All life on earth in Lucifer’s world totally perished. This was not the case resulting from God’s judgement of Noah’s world. God did not completely destroy all of Noah’s world. All life on earth did not totally perish, as in the case of Lucifer’s world. Of course, in both of these judgements of God, Satan and his fallen angels could not perish because God created them as immortal spirit beings. Finally, let us now consider some relevant scientific theories, which complete our study of the Pre-Adamic Age.  The K-T extinction event Many scientists now believe in a theory proposed in 1980 by the physicist Luis Alvarez and his son Walter Alvarez, a geologist. Their theory says that a mass extinction of plant and animal species occurred as a result of a huge asteroid impacting the earth's surface at the end of the Cretaceous period, sixty-five million years ago. This is known as the K-T extinction event. The following quote summaries the general scientific belief about this K-T extinction event. 'In the Alvarezes' scenario, an asteroid 10 kilometers in diameter struck the earth at high velocity, forming a crater 150 kilometers wide. In addition to the immediate devastation of tidal waves, global fires, and giant storms, impact debris hurled into the atmosphere at high altitude spread around the Earth,preventing sunlight from reaching the ground. With photosynthesis blocked, herbivorous and carnivorous species died as the food chain was snapped at its base.' It is interesting, yet not surprising, that this scientific theory supports the Bible's account of God's global tohuw and bohuw judgement in the Pre-Adamic World. We know from Scripture that God's global tohuw and bohuw judgement involves the powers of the heavens being shaken, stars (asteroids) falling on earth and sunlight being withheld or blocked from reaching the earth’s surface. Do you know that the Bible is amazingly clear that the earth will be struck by an asteroid once again in the future tohuw and bohuw judgement, at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? Revelation 9:1-21 Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star (asteroid) fallen from heaven to the earth. To him (the angel) was given the key to the bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit.  Uniformitarianism Scientists worldwide are increasingly beginning to realise that they must include catastrophic events in their philosophy of uniformitarianism. This is a scientific theory, which says that geological processes operating at present are the same processes that operated in the past, and that there have been no catastrophic events in earth's history. Uniformitarianism is commonly described as 'the present is the key to the past'. Scientists are now beginning to accept that geological evidence shows that catastrophic events occurred in earth's history and 'the present is not always the key to the past'. Obviously, uniformitarianism has played a part in the shaping of earth's geology, as the earth is millions of years old. However, it is clear that earth's geology has also been greatly impacted by God's global cataclysmic tohuw and bohuw judgement of Genesis 1:2. We believe that Christians who are knowledgeable geological scientists, and who understand and accept the truth of the Pre-Adamic world, which lasted many millions of years, are in the best position to correctly understand earth's geology. The ‘Big Bang’ theory The Big Bang theory, which teaches that the universe began with an explosion of a primeval atom, is unbiblical and nonsensical. How can the vast universe, with billions of galaxies and stars and our beautiful planet earth with its amazingly complex and intricate design and life, come from an explosion of one tiny atom? Where would this primeval atom have originated in the first place? The truth of the Bible that God created the universe and the earth in the beginning instantaneously, many millions of years ago, makes a lot more sense than the Big Bang theory. The theory of Evolution God is the Creator of all things. He commands and things happen. There is not a hint anywhere in the Bible that God used evolution to create life. As we reject Young Earth Creationism, we also reject the theory of Evolution. Conclusion We appreciate that Young Earth Creationists are passionate in their belief that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, God is the Creator and Evolution is a false theory. However, the sad irony is that YEC itself, with its false interpretation of the creation account in Genesis and belief in a young earth, supplies evolutionists and atheists with all the ammunition they need to ridicule the Bible as contradictory, illogical and scientifically nonsensical. Young Earth Creationism has yet to discover the biblically correct 'Answers in Genesis', answers that are not only very logical, but also, scientifically and geologically defensible, answers that not only protect, but also, enhance the credibility of the Bible as the true Word of God. The correct biblical understanding of the Genesis account of creation and acknowledgement of the Pre-Adamic World is the best and the only way to fight the false theories of The Big Bang and Evolution taught in our schools and universities today.   


   Day Five (Genesis 1:20-23)God creates sea life and bird life. Day Six (Genesis 1:24-31)God creates animal life on land. Then, God creates man in His own image, the pinnacle of His creation.  The important difference between Bara and Asah  Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created (bara) the heavens and the earth. The inspired Hebrew word for create in Genesis 1:1 is bara, when God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning. However, the inspired Hebrew word for make in Genesis 1:16 is asah, when God made the sun, the moon and the stars to be set in the firmament on Day Four of the six-day creation week.  These two accounts are not contradictory as they refer to two different situations. The first account of creation (bara) in Genesis 1:1 relates to the beginning of time, millions of years ago at the start of the Pre-Adamic Age, when God instantaneously created the heavens and the earth at His command. The second account in Genesis 1:16 of making (asah) the sun, the moon and the stars relates to their appearance in the firmament (meaning the sky), from an earthly perspective, on Day Four of the six-day creation. period , approximately six-ten thousand years ago at the start of the Adamic Age.
    The single most important 'proof text' used by some Creationists is Exodus 20:11. Let us examine this verse in detail, and show that it is also misunderstood by these Creationists. Exodus 20:11 For in six days the LORD made (asah) the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.  The Bible is consistent. In this verse, we see that the inspired Hebrew word asah, and not bara, is used to refer to the making of the heavens and the earth in six days.The Bible makes a clear distinction between the creation of the heavens and the earth in the beginning, by using the Hebrew word bara, and the renewal of the heavens and the earth in six days, by using the Hebrew word asah. These Hebrew words bara and asah are not used interchangeably with respect to the heavens and the earth, despite what some Creationists say. We shall now prove this point by using relevant scriptures.There are five places in the Bible where bara denotes the instantaneous creation of the heavens and the earth in the beginning. These five places are Genesis 1:1, Genesis 2:3-4, Psalm 148:5, Isaiah 42:5 and Isaiah 45:18. We have already looked at three of these references, Genesis 1:1, Psalm 148:5, and Isaiah 45:18. Let us now consider the remaining two references Isaiah 42:5 and Genesis 2:3-4. Isaiah 42:5 says, “Thus says God the LORD, Who created (bara) the heavens and stretched them out”. This clearly refers to the instantaneous creation of the heavens (the universe) in the beginning, agreeing with Genesis 1:1. We will now take a detailed look at Genesis 2:3-4, where the context clearly shows that bara is specifically used to denote the instantaneous creation of the heavens and the earth in the beginning.Genesis 2:3-4 (KJV)3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created (bara) and made (asah). 4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created (bara), in the day that the LORD God made (asah) the earth and the heavens. These two verses clearly demonstrate the distinction in the use of the inspired Hebrew words bara and asah, and show that they are not interchangeable when relating to the heavens and the earth. Please note, in verse 3 above, that God rested from all His work, which He had created and made. The Holy Spirit would not have used bara and asah in the same sentence, one following the other, if they had both meant the same thing and were interchangeable. It is clear that there is a distinction between these two words. This distinction is reinforced in verse 4 above, when relating these two words to the heavens and the earth. Please note that the generations of the heavens and the earth include both their creationand their making (renewal). The fact that the word ‘generations’ is plural further confirms that God is speaking about two separate situations in the history of the heavens and the earth. This verse demonstrates that the instantaneous creation (bara) of the heavens and the earth in the beginning was followed, in a later generation, by the making (asah) of the heavens and the earth in six days, which is referred to in this verse as 'the day'. This scripture agrees with both Genesis 1:1 and Exodus 20:11. Let us now make further comments on the Hebrew word asah. The Hebrew word asah occurs 2633 times in the Old Testament. Out of these, asah is used approximately twenty times to refer to the making of the heavens and the earth, when God renewed them in the six-day creation week. We have already considered three of these twenty occurrences in Genesis 1:16, Exodus 20:11 and Genesis 2:3-4. We will consider one more example, Nehemiah 9:6, which is a key text used by Young Earth Creationism to wrongly say that bara and asah are interchangeable, when the Bible speaks about either the creation or the making of the heavens and the earth.      Nehemiah 9:6You alone are the LORD; You have made (asah) heaven, The heaven of heavens, with all their host, The earth and everything on it, The seas and all that is in them, And You preserve them all. The host of heaven worships You.  In this scripture, Nehemiah is praising God for what he sees from man’s earthly perspective, for the generation of the heavens and the earth that God made (asah) in six days when He renewed the face of the earth, thus agreeing with Genesis 2:3-4, previously commented on. Nehemiah 9:6 only refers to the making (asah) of the heavens and the earth in the six-day creation week, but it has nothing to say about the creation (bara) of the heavens and the earth in the beginning. So, these Creationists are far from the real situation in saying that Nehemiah 9:6 proves that the Hebrew words bara and asah are interchangeable. We have shown from Scripture that God makes a clear distinction between the Hebrew words bara and asah when referring to the heavens and the earth. This is to uphold the truth of the Pre-Adamic Age, and God’s global tohuw and bohuw judgement against Satan and his fallen angels.  It was very good In this chapter, we have already examined two of the three key proof texts, Romans 5:12 and Exodus 20:11, used by these Creationists to prop up their unbiblical theory of a young earth. Let us now examine their third key proof text, Genesis 1:31. Genesis 1:31Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.  The theory of a young earth Creationism argues that God could not have pronounced that everything was very good in the Garden of Eden if there had been evidence of death and destruction, in the form of millions of animal fossils underneath the earth's surface, from a previous Pre-Adamic world. This is an erroneous argument, which is easily refuted by considering Jeremiah 31:40.  Jeremiah 31:40And the whole valley of the dead bodies and of the ashes, and all the fields as far as the Brook Kidron, to the corner of the Horse Gate toward the east, shall be holy to the LORD. It shall not be plucked up or thrown down anymore forever.  Jeremiah Chapter 31 is a prophecy about the coming Millennial Kingdom of God to earth following God’s future global judgement against this sinful world at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This judgement will cause massive worldwide death and destruction, and in Israel there will be huge numbers of dead bodies, including those of the armies of Gog and Magog who will fight in the final great battle of Armageddon. Please note in Jeremiah 31:40 above that the whole valley and all of the fields of dead bodies in and around Jerusalem will be holy to the Lord. Obviously, holy means that it is very good in the Lord's eyes. Would Young Earth Creationists argue with God that He does not have the right to make the valley and fields of dead bodies holy? In fact, God will turn all of the desolate, wasted and ruined places, including the valley and fields of dead bodies, into a very good Garden of Eden during His Millennial Kingdom. Ezekiel 36:35 So they will say, 'This land that was desolate has become like the garden of Eden; and the wasted, desolate, and ruined cities are now fortified and inhabited.'  As we have seen, Young Earth Creationists have no ‘proof texts’ to support their false theory of a young earth. They have misunderstood and misinterpreted all three of their so-called proof texts, Romans 5:12, Exodus 20:11 and Genesis 1:31, to uphold their unbiblical belief in a young earth of approximately six thousand years. Let us now go on to see that earth's geology abundantly supports God’s Pre-Adamic global tohuw and bohuw judgement, which Young Earth Creationism rejects.   Earth's geology supports God's global judgements The Bible speaks of two global judgements in the history of the earth, which resulted in catastrophic mass extinctions of life on earth, first in Lucifer's World during the Pre-Adamic Age, and then in Noah's World during the Adamic Age. There is overwhelming support for God's global tohuw and bohuw judgement against Lucifer's world in the Pre-Adamic Age. Scientists have long been puzzled about how the continents moved apart to their present day positions. We believe that God’s tohuw and bohuw judgement in the Pre-Adamic Age was so massively cataclysmic that the earth’s crust broke up into plates and caused the large-scale movement of these tectonic plates resulting in the continents moving apart, as well as causing earthquakes, volcanoes, oceanic trenches, mountain range formation, and many other geological features. There were such upheavals that even the seabeds were raised to form sedimentary mountains like the Himalayas. We believe that other impressive geological features such as the huge and deep Grand Canyon were birthed at this time. In addition, earth's strata folded trapping the dense Pre-Adamic forests resulting in vast deposits and reservoirs of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. Earth's rocks contain millions of fossils of sea and land animals. These include some amazingly huge animal fossils, like woolly mammoths and dinosaurs, which must have roamed the Pre-Adamic world in the Pre-Adamic atmosphere. Many scientists believe that these animals suffered a sudden and abrupt extinction, many millions of years ago. It is highly significant that no human fossils have been found alongside dinosaurs, woolly mammoths and other ancient animal fossils. This does not surprise us, as God did not create man in the Pre-Adamic Age. It is clear from Genesis 1:2 that God's global judgement against Lucifer's world resulted in a global Ice Age, which is supported by earth's geology. ‘Snowball Earth’ is a scientific hypothesis that the earth's surface became entirely frozen over at least once in its history. It is worth noting that the geological community generally accepts this hypothesis because it best explains glacial geological features surprisingly found in the tropics. During the 1970's, in the Namibian desert, geologist Joseph Kirschvink found sedimentary deposits containing drop stones, which are of glacial origin. This scientific evidence, showing that even the tropics were once completely under water and frozen, supports the biblical account of God’s judgement against Lucifer’s world resulting in a global Ice Age. Although Noah’s world suffered God’s judgement of a global flood, very little geological evidence of it survives today. This is because Noah's world did not suffer a global tohuw and bohuw judgement, as experienced by Lucifer’s world. In God’s judgement of Noah’s world, the powers of the heavens were not shaken, and there were no cataclysmic upheavals of the earth's surface such that mountains were formed. Also, there was no withdrawal or darkening of the sun to cause global freezing of the flood waters. In order for fossils to form, living organisms need to be buried quickly between two layers of rocks and/or quickly frozen before the natural process of decay can take place. Geologists have failed to discover fossils in any vast number, which they consider to be only a few thousand years old. The fact that no human fossils have been found in any number anywhere on earth proves that Noah's world did not suffer a global tohuw and bohuw judgement. It is therefore clear that it was not God’s judgement against Noah's world, but God’s judgement against Lucifer's world in the Pre-Adamic Age that caused massive cataclysmic upheavals of the earth's surface greatly impacting earth's geology to bear witness for us all to see today. Young Earth Creationism uses Noah's Flood as a catchall solution to explain earth's geology. In order to fit with Noah's Flood, Young Earth Creationism must massage, manipulate and assume scientific data to explain away many of earth's geological features such as the massive sedimentary mountain ranges, fossil fuels, dinosaurs, the Ice Age and millions of animal fossils like woolly mammoths found in ice. Also, it has no valid explanation for the lack of human fossils in the geological record. High hills and mountains already existed before Noah's Flood, as the Bible clearly tells us. Noah must have used tons of pitch to cover and seal the incredibly huge Ark and, as pitch is derived from coal and oil, this proves that fossil fuels preceded Noah's Flood. Young Earth Creationism tries to explain the Ice Age unconvincingly as a post Noah's Flood event, yet the Bible clearly speaks about an Ice Age in the second verse of the Bible. Apostle Peter speaks about both global floods, Lucifer’s flood and Noah’s flood. 2 Peter 2:5and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly This scripture clearly refers to Noah’s flood. Now, let us carefully examine the second scripture spoken by Apostle Peter about the other past judgement of God, which also resulted in global flooding. 2 Peter 3:5-65 For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, 6 by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. Please note that this scripture says ‘the world that then existed perished’. This scripture refers to Lucifer’s flood in the Pre-Adamic Age, and not to Noah’s flood in the Adamic Age.


Let us now summarise the events that lead to the fall of Lucifer and his angels. Lucifer was the anointed cherub who governed the beautiful luxuriant Garden of Eden earth in the Pre-Adamic world. He was adorned with precious stones and gifted with musical instruments to worship God. He had freedom of movement as a trusted holy angel of God to move back and forth from earth to heaven (God’s dwelling place). Lucifer became tempted and sinned when iniquity was found in his heart. He became jealous of God and decided to lead a rebellion to try to usurp God from His throne in heaven. Lucifer, a holy angel and bearer of light, became Satan, a sinful angel of darkness, because of his sin of rebellion. Satan and his angels (a third of the angels) ascended from the earth to rebel against God in heaven. War broke out in heaven and Michael and his angels defeated Satan and his angels, who were violently cast back down to earth (Revelation 12:4) with cataclysmic global consequences for the earth. Satan and his angels are now confined to earth and its atmosphere, chained in spiritual darkness, reserved until their final judgement in the Lake of Fire. We can now confidently conclude that when the Bible says in Genesis 1:2, 'The earth became chaotic and wasted and darkness was on the face of the deep... ' that the Bible is speaking about God's global cataclysmic tohuw and bohuw judgement when He cast Satan and his fallen angels back down to earth because of their sin of rebellion. This all happened sometime, millions of years ago, in the Pre-Adamic Age. The beautiful Pre-Adamic Garden of Eden earth of Genesis 1:1, which God created in the beginning, was transformed into a totally ruined chaotic earth shrouded in darkness and covered by deep frozen flood waters (ice) by the time we come to Genesis 1:2.  The Bible affirms that Genesis 1:2 is indeed speaking about the state of the earth, which resulted from God’s judgement, and it is not the description of a stage in the construction of the earth, as mistakenly believed by some Creationists. The Hebrew words tohuw and bohuw occur together in the same verse only twice in the whole of the Bible. The first time is in Genesis 1:2 and the second time is in Jeremiah 4:23, which also describes God’s global judgement. However, the Jeremiah 4:23 global judgement of God is yet to be carried out against this present sinful world at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Let us now clearly further demonstrate that the words tohuw and bohuw used in Genesis 1:2 are in fact describing God’s global judgement in the Pre-Adamic Age. We demonstrate this by comparing Genesis 1:2 with Jeremiah 4:23 to appreciate that both of these verses speak about God’s tohuw and bohuw global judgements. Genesis 1:2 (NIV)Now the earth was (hayah, meaning became) formless (tohuw), and empty (bohuw), darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Jeremiah 4:23 (NIV)I looked at the earth, and it was formless (tohuw), and empty (bohuw); and at the heavens, and their light was gone. Genesis 1:2 is a description of God’s global tohuw and bohuw judgement against sinful fallen angels carried out at some point in the Pre-Adamic Age millions of years ago, as discussed previously.   
    We know from the Bible that there was another global judgement when God flooded and destroyed the whole of Noah’s world, approximately 4300 years ago, because of the wickedness of men who were deceived and inspired by Satan and his fallen angels. This global judgement of God against Noah’s world was not a tohuw and bohuw judgement. However, there will be yet another global judgement referred to in Jeremiah 4:23 above, which will be a tohuw and bohuw judgement against this present sinful world of man, which remains deceived and inspired by Satan and his fallen angels. This future global judgement will occur at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Jeremiah was inspired to write about future events that will come to pass in this present age, during the final period of the Great Tribulation at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Jeremiah 4:5-28 is a prophecy about God's horrific tohuw and bohuw judgement against Israel and the whole world ,readers may have to refer to Jeremiah 4:5-28 in their Bibles to note the following points. Verses 6 and 7 say that God will bring disaster and destruction from the north upon Israel. Israel will become desolate, and its cities will be laid waste. Verse 8 says that the fierce anger of the Lord will not be turned back. Verse 12 says that God will speak judgement against the people of Jerusalem. Verse 13 speaks about the return of Jesus Christ on the clouds. Verses 14 to 18 speak about people's wickedness. Verse 20 says that God will bring destruction upon destruction. We now come to the key verse Jeremiah 4:23.  Jeremiah 4:23 (NIV)I looked at the earth, and it was formless (tohuw), and empty (bohuw); and at the heavens, and their light was gone. Notice that Jeremiah saw the whole earth in a state of tohuw and bohuw, which means a chaotic, wasted and empty state. Also, he saw that the heavens had no light, meaning that the earth was plunged into total darkness. The state of the earth, which Jeremiah saw, resembles the description of the earth as given in Genesis 1:2, except that there was no global flooding. This is because God promised never to flood the earth again following Noah's flood. Let us now read Jeremiah 4:24-28, in order to clearly understand what the future tohuw and bohuw judgement will involve. 
    Jeremiah 4:24-28. 24 "I beheld the mountains, and indeed they trembled, And all the hills moved back and forth. 25 I beheld, and indeed there was no man, And all the birds of the heavens had fled. 26 I beheld, and indeed the fruitful land was a wilderness, And all its cities were broken down at the presence of the LORD, by His fierce anger. 27 For thus says the LORD "The whole land shall be desolate; Yet I will not make a full end. 28 For this shall the earth mourn, And the heavens above be black, Because I have spoken. I have purposed and will not relent, Nor will I turn back from it".  Please bear in mind that in these verses Jeremiah is speaking about the future judgement against this present world, at the return of Jesus Christ. Notice that this future tohuw and bohuw judgement will not only involve the sun being darkened but also the mountains will shake and the hills will be moved out of their place, and the earth will be reduced to a wilderness. This tohuw and bohuw judgement against the whole earth at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, as prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah, is also described and prophesied by Apostle John in Revelation 6:12-17, and by Jesus Christ Himself in Matthew 24:29-30. You will note that there are close similarities between these three prophecies, which means that they are speaking of the same global tohuw and bohuw judgement.  By putting together the scriptures Jeremiah 4:24-28, Revelation 6:12-17 and Matthew 24:29-30, we can clearly see that God’s future global tohuw and bohuw judgement at the end of this present age will be absolutely cataclysmic, involving the powers of the heavens being shaken, the stars (meteorites) falling onto earth, the sun and the moon being darkened, great earthquakes and upheavals causing every mountain and every island to shake and move out of its place, great global devastation of the earth's surface causing chaos and waste, massive destruction of all types of life, and surviving unbelievers so terrified that they hide away from the face of the returning Jesus Christ and His wrath. Unlike the previous tohuw and bohuw judgement in the Pre-Adamic Age when all living plants and animals were totally destroyed, God will not totally destroy ‘not make a full end’ to all life on earth in the future tohuw and bohuw judgement. There will be a proportion of earth’s population who will survive it to enter Christ’s Millennial Kingdom on earth, over whom Christ and His resurrected Bride will rule and reign. As mentioned, it is significant that the Hebrew wordstohuw and bohuw occur together in the same verse only twice in the Bible, the first time in Genesis 1:2 and the second time in Jeremiah 4:23. We have highlighted and described in detail the future judgement against this present sinful world of man referred to in Jeremiah 4:23, to further prove the point that Genesis 1:2 also speaks about God’s global judgement. Genesis 1:2 is definitely not the description of a stage in the construction of the earth, as mistakenly believed by some Creationists. There should now be no doubt in the minds of our readers that Genesis 1:2 is a description of the state of the earth resulting from the horrific cataclysmic global judgement, which God carried out in the Pre-Adamic Age, because of the sins of angels; and there is indeed an age-gap of many millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. This age-gap is the Pre-Adamic Age. Please understand that the Pre-Adamic Age consisted of two long periods of time, which together would have been millions of years. During the first long period of time, the earth was a beautiful Garden of Eden as first created in the beginning when the angels rejoiced over it. During the second long period of time, the earth was in a totally ruined state, after it had been destroyed in God’s judgement of Satan and his angels, until it was renewed by God at the beginning of the Adamic Age. The Pre-Adamic earth was destroyed because of the sins of angels. However, God understood right from the beginning, before He created the universe and the earth, that this would happen because God is all knowing and He knows the end from the beginning. Although God destroyed the Pre-Adamic earth, it was always in His Plan to renew the earth and start the Second Age, the Adamic Age. This was when God created man in His image, the pinnacle of His creation. God created the first man, Adam, at the beginning of the Second Age when God renewed the earth and its atmosphere in the six-day creation week.  Some Creationists confuse the beginning of the Pre-Adamic Age, which happened many millions of years ago with the beginning of the Adamic Age, which happened only approximately six-ten thousand years ago. 
    Let us be clear in our minds that: Genesis 1:1 refers to the beginning of time, many millions of years ago, when God first created the heavens and the earth. This also marked the beginning of the First Age, the Pre-Adamic Age, in God's Plan of the Ages. Genesis 1:3-5 refers to the first 24-hour day in the beginning of the Adamic Age, the Second Age, long after God had destroyed the Pre-Adamic world through His global tohuw and bohuw judgement because of the sins of angels. The Adamic Age started about six-ten thousand years ago.  The Beginning of the Adamic Age As we have shown, the original beautiful Garden of Eden earth of Genesis 1:1 became the ruined, chaotic, dark and flooded earth of Genesis 1:2 when Satan and his fallen angels were cast back down to earth, following their rebellion at some point in the Pre-Adamic Age. In Genesis 1:3-5, we find that God reintroduced the light of the sun to shine onto the earth's surface at the dawn of the Second Age, the Adamic Age. Genesis 1:3-53 Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. 4 And God saw the light that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.  It is clear and logically follows that when God said, ‘Let there be light’ in verse 3 above, it was the light of the sun, which God had previously withheld from reaching the earth’s surface when it became shrouded in darkness in God’s global tohuw and bohuw judgement. We know for certain that the sun had already been created in the beginning (Genesis 1:1), along with the rest of the heavens, and this was many millions of years before God reintroduced the light (of the sun) as described in the verses above. Please understand that there could not have been the first 24 hour day of evening and morning without the light of the sun, and it is impossible for the earth to hang and rotate by itself in the universe without the gravitational pull of the sun. Since, Some Creationists believes that it was not until the fourth day that God created the sun, it becomes a huge problem for these creationists to explain how there could have been the first 24 hours of day and night without the sun. In order to get over this dilemma, they teach that it was the light of the Holy Spirit which shone on the earth for the first three 24 hour days of the six-day creation week. Of course, anything is possible with God, but we find the this explanation not only unscriptural, but also totally illogical. It further invites derision and unbelief in the Word of God from educational establishments and scientists. The rest of the Genesis account of creation, Genesis 1:3-31, makes complete sense, once we understand that God had darkened the sun and withdrawn its light from the earth in His Pre-Adamic tohuw and bohuw judgement against Satan and his angels. When God began the Second Age, the Adamic Age, He reintroduced the light of the sun to the earth, and renewed the earth's surface and its atmosphere. Then, God recreated plant and animal life, and finally He created mankind for the very first time, as described in the six-day creation account of Genesis 1:3-31, which happened approximately six-ten thousand years ago.  God’s creation in the first six 24-hour days of the Adamic Age   Let us clearly understand that there is absolutely no contradiction whatsoever between Genesis 1:1, where it is says that God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning, and Genesis 1:14-19 where it says that God made the sun, the moon and the stars on the fourth day. Once we see and understand that the whole of the six-day creation account is written from man’s earthly perspective rather than from a cosmic perspective, then the scriptures become clear and everything make sense. 
    Day One (Genesis 1:3-5)God reintroduces the light of the sun to reach and shine onto the surface of the deep frozen flood waters that completely covered the ruined earth. The effect of this heat and sudden change in temperature resulted in a massive global ice melt. The massive ice sheet covering the surface of the whole earth must have been so thick that the Spirit of God first needed to shake, break and soften it in preparation for the melting process. We believe that this is exactly what happened as Genesis 1:2 says that 'the Spirit of God was moving (rachaph) over the face of the waters (ice)'. The Hebrew word "rachaph" translated to mean ‘moving’ in some versions of the Bible also means ‘shaking’, as confirmed by Strong’s H7363. God’s Spirit first actively shook, broke up and softened the deep ice sheet covering the whole earth in preparation for the great ice melt that took place, once the intense sunlight with its heat was reintroduced onto the earth's surface on Day One. 
   Day Two (Genesis 1:6-8)God forms the firmament by lifting the 'waters from the waters'. The firmament refers to the space or expanse within the earth’s atmosphere between the earth’s surface and the cloud strata. God formed the firmament using the process of evaporation, when the intense heat of the sunlight caused vast volumes of water vapour to rise up from the surface of the melt-waters to form dense dark clouds in the sky. 
   Day Three (Genesis 1:9-13)God forms the dry land by causing the melt-waters to recede from the flooded earth. He also causes plant life on land to start germinating in this warm, humid, cloud-darkened, cocooned environment.
   Day Four Genesis 1:14-1914 Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament (the space between the earth’s surface and the clouds) of the heavens (the earth’s atmosphere) to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth"; and it was so. 16 Then God made (asah) two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.  At the beginning of Day Four, God said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven’. Therefore, we can certainly conclude that by the end of Day Three the firmament of the heaven (the space between the earth’s surface and the clouds) had become darkened by the dense clouds of water vapour formed on Day Two. These clouds would have blocked out light - sunlight, moonlight and starlight - from reaching the firmament and thus the earth's surface. So, on Day Four God thinned and dispersed these dense dark clouds so that the sunlight, moonlight and starlight could shine through the firmament down onto the earth’s surface. Therefore, from an earthly perspective, the sun, the moon and the stars were made (asah) on Day Four 'for signs and seasons, and for days and years' for the benefit of man, who was yet to be created on Day Six. Notice that verse 17 above, does not say that God created (bara) these lights on Day Four, but that He set these lights in the firmament, meaning that He made them appear, be visible, in the firmament from man’s earthly perspective. We know from the very first verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1, that these lights (planets, stars) had already been created (bara) in the beginning, and not on Day Four.


   God has chained Satan and his fallen angels in spiritual darkness and confined them to earth and its heaven (earth’s atmosphere) awaiting their final judgement in a future age-to-come Lake of Fire. Who sinned first, angels or man? The fact that angels sinned before man cannot be disputed, because Satan was already present as a sinner in the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned. Young Earth Creationists deny this obvious and basic truth that sin first entered the world through angels. This obvious truth is confirmed by the historical sequence of the three judgements listed in the verses above, where the Bible places the sins of angels before the sins of man.
   Most Creationists misunderstand Romans 5:12 when they argue that sin and death first entered the world through man, and not through angels.  Let us examine Romans 5:12 in detail, as it is one of three key 'proof texts' used by some Creationists to support their belief. The other two key 'proof texts' are Exodus 20:11 and Genesis 1:31, which we shall also fully deal with later in this chapter. Romans 5:12Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned.  This verse specifically speaks about the sin of one man affecting the whole of the human race. Yes, sin entered the human world through one man, Adam, thus God judged man’s sin by bringing death (the wages of sin is death) and death spread to all men because of Adam’s sin. However, please note that Romans 5:12 above speaks only about the sin and death which entered the Adamic world through the sin of Adam, but this scripture does not address the sin which entered the Pre-Adamic world through the sin of angels. The fact that sin brings God’s judgement of death to men only, and not to angels who are spirits that cannot die, further confirms that Romans 5:12 specifically refers to sin entering the human world through one man.   Some Creationists misunderstand Romans 5:12 above to teach that man sinned before angels sinned. Remember that Satan was already a sinful fallen angel in the Garden of Eden when he tempted Adam and Eve to sin, thus, it is totally unscriptural and nonsensical to say that Adam sinned before Satan.  
    The Bible is clear that Satan is a fallen angel and he has the following of other fallen angels. Jesus Christ said that He beheld Satan fall like lighting from heaven.    Luke 10:18And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven”. When did Jesus Christ see Satan fall like lighting from heaven? It can only have been during the Pre-Adamic Age, and not during the Adamic Age. This is because Satan was already a sinful fallen angel confined to earth at the start of the Adamic Age. There is absolutely nothing in the Bible to suggest that Satan was cast down to earth from heaven after God had created Adam and Eve, during the Adamic Age.We will now examine relevant scriptures in some detail to see how sin first entered the Pre-Adamic world through Satan and his fallen angels. Isaiah 14:12-15, 12' How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer (heylel), son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! 13 For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.' 15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol (meaning the Pit), To the lowest depths of the Pit. This scripture confirms Jesus’s statement in Luke 10:18 above that He saw Satan fall from heaven. It was indeed Satan (previously the holy angel Lucifer) whom Jesus saw fall from heaven when God cast him back down to this earth. Isaiah Chapter 14 refers to both the king of Babylon and Lucifer. However, it is important to note that Isaiah 14:12-15 above is specifically speaking about Lucifer, who became Satan. This scripture is not referring to the king of Babylon. It is referring to a fallen angelic being and not a man, as no man is capable of ascending above the heights of the clouds. Notice that Lucifer coveted the throne of God and he wanted to become like the Most High. However, God judged him for his sin of rebellion by casting him down to the lowest depths of the pit of this earth. As a result, the earth became chaotic, empty, dark and submerged under water because of God’s tohuw and bohuw judgement of the sinful rebellious angels, as previously described. Please note that the Hebrew word heylel is translated as Lucifer in the NKJV verse Isaiah 14:12 above. Lucifer is a Latin word meaning ‘Light Bearer’, which first appeared in the Latin Vulgate circa 400 AD. This Latin word Lucifer has been retained by both the KJV and the NKJV, thus the Christian world has been familiar with the name Lucifer for over a thousand years. Modern versions of the Bible translate heylel to mean Morning Star, Bright Star, Shining One and Day Star, all of which are similar to the Latin word Lucifer, meaning Light Bearer. Therefore, Lucifer is as good a name to use as any of the other names given in other translations. Let us now read a parallel scripture about the fall of Lucifer given in Ezekiel 28.  Ezekiel 28:12-1512 Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre, and say to him, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "You were the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. 13 You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, Beryl, onyx, and jasper, Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created.” 14 You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. 15 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, Till iniquity was found in you. Ezekiel Chapter 28 begins by describing the king of Tyre whose heart was lifted up and who thought that he was god. The power and deceiver behind the king of Tyre was Satan himself. The scripture Ezekiel 28:12-15 above takes us on from speaking about the king of Tyre to speaking about Lucifer who became Satan, as these verses can only fit the description of a fallen angelic being, and not a man. Lucifer was created perfect in his ways. He was the seal of perfection, full of wisdom, the anointed cherub and perfect in beauty before iniquity was found in him when he rebelled against God. In contrast, the king of Tyre was born imperfect with a fallen, sinful Adamic nature (the old man), and he was not the anointed cherub. Therefore, these verses can only refer to Satan, who was the real influencing power behind the king of Tyre.  It was Lucifer and not the king of Tyre whom God had placed in Eden, the Garden of God. This Garden of Eden was not the same Garden of Eden of the Adamic Age, where Satan was present as a sinful fallen angel who lied to and deceived Eve. 
     It is important to understand that the Bible speaks of at least three Gardens of Eden in three different ages. There was the first Garden of Eden in the Pre-Adamic Age, as given in Ezekiel 28:13 above. There was the second Garden of Eden during the Adamic Age, as given in Genesis 2:15. There will be yet another, the third Garden of Eden, in the coming Millennial Age of Jesus Christ, as given in Ezekiel 36:35.  A garden has both plant and animal life, thus God created the Pre-Adamic world with plants and animals. The enormous deposits and reservoirs under the earth's surface of the fossil fuels; coal, oil and gas, and the abundant existence of fossils, throughout the world today, bear witness to the fact that the Pre-Adamic earth was absolutely teeming with luxuriant plant and animal life. The beautiful Pre-Adamic Garden of Eden earth was destroyed after ‘war broke out in heaven’ between the holy angels led by Michael and the fallen angels led by Satan. Revelation 12:7-97 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.  These verses describe a war that broke out in heaven between two armies of angels. We are speaking about an angelic war between God’s Holy angels and the sinful rebellious angels. This angelic war started in heaven but was finished on earth when God cast Satan and his angels out of heaven back down to earth. As a result, the whole beautiful Pre-Adamic Garden of Eden earth suffered cataclysmic violence of unimaginable proportions of death, destruction, flooding, and darkness. Jude 6 "And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day. Angels ‘did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode.’ This was during the Pre-Adamic age when iniquity (sin) was found in Lucifer’s heart. The holy angel Lucifer became the sinful angel Satan, who along with a following of his angels, left this earth (their proper domain) and ascended above the clouds in rebellion to try to usurp God’s throne in heaven. God cast them back down to earth and they are now kept in chains of spiritual darkness, restricted in movement to this earth and its heaven (earth’s atmosphere) and reserved for their final judgement which will take place during the age-to-come Lake of Fire Judgement Age, as discussed in Chapter 13. Job 1:6 which says, “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them” does not mean that Satan can leave earth and its atmosphere, and have access to God’s throne in heaven. The Bible does not contradict itself. Revelation 12:8 quoted above clearly says that no place was found in heaven any longer for Satan and his angels. We showed in Chapter 3 that Father God does everything through His Son. So, it was on earth that Satan presented himself before the Lord, God the Son, who represented His Father God in heaven. 

THE WORLD BEFORE ADAM. (part 2) ~By Gods plan for All

Genesis account of creation literally to justify their belief in a young earth. They say that anything other than about six-ten thousand years is playing around with the literal translation of the creation account. In actuality, it is the Young Earth Creationists themselves who play around with the literal meaning of the Genesis account of creation. Let us now see what the Bible says and what Young Earth Creationism (YEC) says. The Bible says that God created the earth in the beginning; YEC says that God created the earth in the first day. The Bible says that God created the sun and the moon in the beginning; YEC says that God created the sun and the moon in the fourth day. The Bible says that God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning; YEC says that God created the heavens and the earth in six days. Young Earth Creationism misunderstands the Genesis account of God's creation when it misinterprets the very first verse of the Bible (Genesis 1:1) as being a summary statement of the six-day creation account, which is described in Genesis 1:3-31. This misunderstanding of the very first verse of the Bible has led Young Earth Creationism to believe that God created the earth on the first day without the sun, and that it wasn't until the fourth day that God created the sun, the moon and the stars. This is not only biblically untrue but also scientifically nonsensical. It is impossible for a 24-hour day comprising of both light and darkness, day and night with morning and evening to occur, without both the earth and the sun existing together. This is elementary physics and common sense.
  The Bible is extremely logical and it does not contradict true science, after all God Himself is the greatest scientist. God does not want us to believe in something that is illogical and scientifically stupid. We shall show you later why Young Earth Creationism confuses the beginning of the heavens and the earth many millions of years ago, as stated in Genesis 1:1, with the beginning of the Adamic Age, approximately six-ten thousand years ago, as described in Genesis 1:3-31.   Let us now go on to understand the literal interpretation of the Genesis creation account as the Bible actually teaches. What was the state of the earth when God created it, along with the rest of the universe, in the beginning? Let us see what the Bible says. Job 38:4-7 (NIV)4 "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. 5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? 6 On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone 7 while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy? Job Chapters 38 and 39 show God humbling Job, who thought that he had a great fount of knowledge. In the verses above, God challenges Job about his knowledge of the creation of the earth. God did this to make Job acknowledge God's greatness and to show Job that he knew absolutely nothing about how and when God had created the earth.
    Notice that all the angels sang and shouted for joy when God laid the foundations of the earth. ‘Morning stars’ here also refers to angels. The verses above reveal two important truths:God created angels before He created the earth and the universe.When God created the earth in the beginning, He created it in such a beautiful and perfect condition that the angels responded with joyful singing and shouting.However, shockingly, in the second verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:2, we read that the earth had changed from its beautiful and perfect state, when it was first created in the beginning, to a totally different ruined state. It had become formless, empty, in darkness and submerged under water.  Genesis 1:2 (NIV)Now the earth was (hayah, meaning became) formless, and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Since God did not create the earth in a formless, empty, dark and flooded state in the beginning, then it must have become that way at a later date. This is exactly what happened to the earth, because an accurate translation of the Hebrew word hayah, in Genesis 1:2 above, is became as given in Strong's H1961, and as also confirmed by the NIV in their footnote. Young Earth Creationism argues that Genesis 1:2 is the description of a stage in the construction of the earth. It is a misunderstanding and misinterpretation of this verse to believe that God firstly had to create the earth in a formless, empty, dark state and totally submerged under water in order to proceed and complete the rest of His beautiful creation on earth. The truth of the Bible is that Genesis 1:2 is the description of the earth resulting from God's massive cataclysmic global judgement because of the sins of angels. It is not speaking about a stage in the construction of the earth, as mistakenly believed by Young Earth Creationists. Let us now have a closer look at Genesis 1:2 to understand that it is indeed a description of God’s global judgement.   God's global judgement of rebellious angels in the Pre-Adamic Age Genesis 1:2 (NIV)Now the earth was (hayah, meaning became) formless (tohuw), and empty (bohuw), darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. The Bible is abundantly clear that the inspired Hebrew words tohuw and bohuw in Genesis 1:2 above, when used together, are the descriptive words for God's global judgement. The Hebrew word tohuw occurs 20 times in the Old Testament with meanings of chaotic, nothing, confusion, waste, wilderness, emptiness, formless and vain. The best meaning of tohuw in Genesis 1:2 is chaotic. Something that is in a confused, wasted, empty, flooded and dark state is obviously in a chaotic state.The Hebrew word bohuw occurs 3 times in the Old Testament with meanings of void and waste.          
     We believe that God inspired the use of the Hebrew word bohuw in Genesis 1:2 to reinforce the meaning of tohuw, which we have just shown means chaotic. The Bible specifically confirms in Isaiah 45:18 below that the earth was not created in the chaotic state that we see in Genesis 1:2. Isaiah 45:18For thus says the LORD, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain (tohuw, meaning chaotic), Who formed it to be inhabited: 'I am the LORD, and there is no other'.  So an accurate translation of Genesis 1:2 is: Genesis 1:2The earth became chaotic and wasted and darknesswas on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.Please understand that God did not create the earth in the beginning (Genesis 1:1) in a chaotic, wasted, dark state submerged under water. The earthbecame like that because a massive cataclysmic change took place on earth between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. Let us believe what the Bible says that God did not create the earth in vain in an uninhabitable, chaotic (tohuw) state. As we have shown from Scripture, the earth was created in such a beautiful state that the angels sang and shouted for joy. Most certainly, the angels would not have sung and shouted for joy over the creation of a chaotic, wasted, flooded and dark earth. It is abundantly clear from Scripture that there was agap of time between the creation of the beautiful earth of Genesis 1:1 and the totally ruined chaotic earth of Genesis 1:2. This gap of time is the Pre-Adamic Age, which lasted for many millions of years. So, the key question is: ‘Why did the earth become chaotic and ruined as described in Genesis 1:2?’ Let us now go on to understand that Genesis 1:2 is the description of the earth resulting from God's global judgement because of the sins of angels.  The sins of angels 2 Peter 2:4-6 is an account of three important historical judgements of God, which helps us to understand the consequences of sin. 2 Peter 2:4-64 For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell (tartarus) and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; 5 and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly;  6 and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly.  Sin has consequences and it brings judgement from God in the form of death and destruction. Please take note of the correct chronological order in which these judgements are listed in the scripture above. The judgement against the angels who sinned happened first, followed much later by the judgement against Noah’s world, which in turn was followed much later by the judgement against Sodom and Gomorrah. In verse 4 above, the Greek word 'tartarus' is mistranslated as ' hell'. Tartarus is used only once in the Bible, and the context in which it appears reveals the meaning of the word as a 'prison of spiritual darkness'.


THE PRE ADAMIC AGE ~ By Gods plan For All.
The Biblical Truth of the Pre-Adamic Age
The Pre-Adamic Age is the First Age of the Seven Ages in God’s Plan for All. It began at the creation of the heavens and the earth, and ended at the start of the six-day creation week, during which Adam and Eve were created. The Pre-Adamic Age was the age when angels were the key focus of God’s dealings. The First Age is an important age in God’s Plan of the Ages. It helps us to appreciate and understand the following five important facts, which we cover in this chapter:Our earth is much older than six thousand years.When God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning, He created the earth in such a beautiful and perfect condition that the angels responded with joyful singing and shouting.There was a massive cataclysmic global judgement of God against the world of Lucifer (Satan) and his angels when they sinned by rebelling against God during the Pre-Adamic Age. Since then, God has chained Satan and his fallen angels in spiritual darkness and confined them to earth and its heaven (earth’s atmosphere), awaiting their final judgement in the Lake of Fire.Earth’s geology has been greatly impacted and shaped by this massive Pre-Adamic cataclysmic global judgement from God.There will be another massive cataclysmic global judgement from God against this present sinful world, at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Let us now begin our study of this important First Age. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  The heavens mean the whole complete universe consisting of billions of galaxies with billions of stars and planets. Our minds cannot even begin to grasp the wonders and limitless power of God, which the universe displays. In this very first verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1, God singles out the earth as the most important planet in the entire universe. This is because God has a tremendous purpose to use the earth as the centre of the universe. It is on earth that God will establish His Eternal Kingdom of the New Heaven and the New Earth, after He has first refined and cleansed the earth during the Lake of Fire
Judgement Age.
     So, how did God create the universe and the earth in the beginning? The Bible says that God simply commanded and they were created. Psalm 148:2-52 Praise Him, all His angels; Praise Him, all His hosts! 3 Praise Him, sun and moon; Praise Him, all you stars of light! 4 Praise Him, you heavens of heavens, And you waters above the heavens! 5 Let them praise the name of the LORD, for He commanded and they were created. 
     The creation of the entire universe, including the earth, must be understood as an instantaneous creation at the command of God. When God created the universe in the beginning, He also designed and created the Law of Gravity. God introduced the Law of Gravity for the stability and for the continual existence of the universe. All bodies in the universe are held together and maintain their orbits because of gravitation. Smaller bodies are held in their orbits by bigger bodies. Moons orbit planets, planets orbit stars, stars orbit galactic centres, and galaxies orbit other galaxies in clusters.The important point to understand is that it is impossible for the moon to exist without the earth, and it is impossible for the earth to exist without the sun, and for the sun to exist without our galaxy, the Milky Way, and for the Milky Way to exist without other galaxies. So, the whole universe must have been created instantaneously for it to exist, and this is exactly what God did in the beginning, as Psalm 148:5 above confirms, ‘He commanded and they were created’.
    Time began when God created the earth, the sun and the moon with the rest of the universe, in the beginning. This is when God's Plan of the Ages began. How long ago was the beginning when God commanded and instantaneously created the universe with the earth? The Bible does not say. However, star distances and many other modern scientific methods, all show us that the beginning. was many millions of years ago. It cannot have been around six-ten thousand years ago, as believed by Young Earth Creationists. Even Young Earth Creationists themselves admit that star distance is a problem when defending their belief in a young earth. Most probably, scientists have overestimated the age of our earth as being about 4.5 billion years old, but we can be absolutely sure that the earth is much older than six-ten thousand years. Young Earth Creationists claim to interpret the Genesis account of creation literally to justify their belief in a young earth. They say that anything other than about six-ten thousand years is playing around with the literal translation of the creation account. In actuality, it is the Young Earth Creationists themselves who play around with the literal meaning of the Genesis account of creation. Let us now see what the Bible says and what Young Earth Creationism (YEC) says. The Bible says that God created the earth in the beginning; YEC says that God created the earth in the first day. The Bible says that God created the sun and the moon in the beginning; YEC says that God created the sun and the moon in the fourth day. The Bible says that God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning; YEC says that God created the heavens and the earth in six days. Young Earth Creationism misunderstands the Genesis account of God's creation when it misinterprets the very first verse of the Bible (Genesis 1:1) as being a summary statement of the six-day creation account, which is described in Genesis 1:3-31. This misunderstanding of the very first verse of the Bible has led Young Earth Creationism to believe that God created the earth on the first day without the sun, and that it wasn't until the fourth day that God created the sun, the moon and the stars. This is not only biblically untrue but also scientifically nonsensical. It is impossible for a 24-hour day comprising of both light and darkness, day and night with morning and evening to occur, without both the earth and the sun existing together. This is elementary physics and common sense.

Friday, May 22, 2015


In my debates with persons of the various religions I have come to the conclusion that religion is man-made and premised on subjective reasoning with data which can't be substantiated with logical , imperical evidence and thus open to fraud.
The documents often used by followers are not fraudulent in their entirety but a mixture of truth and lies. This is why it's very easy to be deceived if one isn't armed with logical analytical instruments with which data can be scrutinized.
   The three major monotheistic religions namely Christianity, Islam, Judaism all lay claim to the faith of the Patriarch Prophet Abraham from whom we derive Isaac the father of Christianity and Judaism and Ishmael the father of Islam.
One would expect the three religions to have a common denominator with respect to the subject of salvation button the contrary it is the subject that has pitched them at loggerhead with each other.
Christianity preaches about the need for a saviour in Christ, while Judaism believes in a saviour but do not believe in Jesus Christ as the saviour. Islam on the hand does not believe in a messiah but believes that salvation can be attained through human effort as demomstated in theThe Five Pillars consist of:1) Shahadah: sincerely reciting the Muslim profession of faith.2) Salat: performing ritual prayers in the proper way five times each day.3) Zakat: paying an alms (or charity) tax to benefit the poor and the needy.4) Sawm: fasting during the month of Ramadan.5) Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca.
Truth is absolute and objective, by this I mean truth is provable and constant , it does not seize to be truth at some future date. Forinstance, 1+1=2, this is the truth and it will never change. Therefore , salvation should be provable, logical, objective, absolute anything outside this would be illogical. One can either saved or not, their are no middle grounds.
It also follows that a saved person should possess those divine qualities or attributes found in heaven since a saved person is already qualified to be in heaven. Therefore it is safe to say that a saved person is justified ( without sin ) , sanctified ( set apart for God's use ) and glorified ( honoured, favoured and empowered by God) and be free from Guilt . One can't be justified and at the same time be guilty . It is either one or the other. Ones conscience should bear witness that one is saved since the conscience serves to either condemn or aquit us.
Muslims are faced with these logical questions requiring answers 1)  would stop sinning and become perfect after fulfilling the five pillars of Islam for a year . 2) if no , does that mean that one is still saved and what would be the faith of the Man who died while under this condition, 3) will he still go to Allah's heaven in that state of sinfulness or 3) will Allah overlook his sins ? if yes under what circumstances or is there a righteousness outside the Muslim religious code. ? 4) If a Muslim stole three oranges and a Christian one orange is he a higher or lesser sinner, and how many sins does a man commit before he becomes a sinner. If one sin makes a man a sinner , is impossible that one act of righteousness can make a man righteous like the born again Christians profess.
5) what guarantees does Islam offer a man with respect to salvation given that man is prone to err. is it a legal instrument and what are the bases for such guarantees if any? 6) By what name did prophet Abraham call know God by, 7) Is prophet Abraham in heaven? if yes was it by the observance of the 5 pillars of Islam even when Mohammed was not yet born or was it by a principle outside the 5 pillars of Islam. If yes , is it possible to enter heaven outside the observance of Islamic laws just like Abraham did.
The same questions goes for the Jew. If the breaking of one of Moses law makes one a sinner since a strict Observance of ALL the law is demanded by Moses, is it possible that one act of righteousness by equity can make a person right with God . What is Judaism's cure for sin , has it ever produced a sinlesss, perfect man. If not whatbare the guarantees that a Jew can be saved without a saviour?
The possibility of being saved by the two other religion is nearly impossible we are left with the third. Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ took the purnishment for our sins( present, past, future) and in exchange gave us peace with the heavenly father.
It reinforces the fact that we are God's children , members of His household. Statements accredited to Jesus Christ himself says,[NLT] John 5:24 “I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. THEY WILL NEVER be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.
This statement can only be valid when the aforementioned questions posed to the muslim are answered in the affirmative by the follower of Christ.
let's look at them from the biblical point of view. By faith ( total reliance on God) the born again Christian believes :
  1) if one would stop sinning and become perfect after receiving Jesus Christ as saviour for more than a year .
Born again Christian reply :
No , we do not stop sinning because of our weak human nature neither are we proud of sins , but we have an advocate in Jesus Christ who haven been tempted has declared us justified knowing that by the observance of the Mosaic law no man can be right with God. He fulfilled the demands of the law.
THE ONLY LOGICAL CURE FOR UNILATERAL SIN IS A UNILATERAL PARDON. The born again christian is a recipient of the forgiving power of God through Jesus Christ.
   Violation of the law demands a death sentence, but if someone was willing to take the place of an offender then the guilty was declared innocent Leviticus16:.8 -10 "And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the Lord, and the other lot for the scapegoat. And Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the Lord’s lot fell, and offer him for  a sin offering. But the goat, on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat, shall  be presented alive before the Lord, to make an atonement with him, and to let  him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness." Jesus Christ is the scapegoat sent to atone for the sins of the world.
The born again Christian is therefore justified, sanctified and glorified by reason of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Wisdom For marriage ( Dealing with difficult husbands)

1). Never raise your voice for any reason to your husband. Its a sign of disrespect.(Prov 15v1)
2). Don't expose your husband's weaknesses to your family and friends. You are each other's keeper.(Eph 5v12)
3). Never use attitudes and moods to communicate to your husband, you never know how your husband will interpret them.
(Prov 15v13)
4). Never compare your husband to other men, you've no idea what their life is all about.
5). Never ill treat your husband's friends because you don't like them, the person who's supposed to get rid of them is your
husband.(Prov 11v22)
6). Never forget that your husband married you, not your maid or anyone else. (Gen 2v24)
7). Never assign anyone to give attention to your husband, people may do everything else but your husband is your own
responsibility.(Eph 5v33)
8). Never blame your husband if he comes back home empty handed. Rather encourage him.(Deut 3v28)
9). Never be a wasting wife, your husband's sweat is too precious to be wasted.
10). Never pretend to be sick for the purpose of denying your husband sex (SS 7v12
11). Never compare your husband to your one time sex mate in bedroom.(SS 5v9)
12). Never answer for your husband in public opinion polls, let him handle what is directed to him although he may answer for
you in public opinion polls.(Prov 31v23)
13). Never shout or challenge your husband in front of children(Eph 4v31)
14). Don't forget to check the smartness of your husband before he checks out.(Prov 12v4)
15). Never allow your friends to be too close to your husband.
16). Never be in a hurry in the bathroom and on the dressing table. Out there your husband is always surrounded by women
who took their time on their looks.( 1 Sam 25v3)
17). Your parents or family or friends do not have the final say in your marriage. Don't waste your time looking up to them for a
final word.(Luke 21v16)
18). Never base your love on monetary things. Will you still submit to him even if you earn more money than him?
19). Don't forget that husbands want attention and good listeners, never be too busy for him. (Gal 6v9)
20). If your idea worked better than his, never compare yourself to him. Its always teamwork. (Gal 6v10)
21). Don't be too judgemental to your husband.(Eph 4v29)
22). A lazy wife is a careless wife. She doesn't even know that her body needs a bath.(Prov 24v27)(Prov 20v13)
23). Does your husband like less cooked food?, try to change your cooking.(Prov 31v14)
24). Never be too demanding to your husband, enjoy every moment, resource as it comes.(Luke 11v3)
25). Make a glass of water the very first welcome to your husband and everyone entering your home. Sweetness of attitude is
true beauty. (Prov 31v11)
26). Don't associate with women who have a wrong mental attitude about marriage.(Prov 22v14)
27). Your marriage is as valuable to you as the value that you give it. Recklessness is unacceptable.(Heb 13v4)
28). Fruit of the womb is a blessing from the Lord, love your children and teach them well.(Prov 22v6)
29). You are never too old to influence your home. Never reduce your care for your family for any reason. (Prov 31v28)
30). A prayerful wife is a better equipped wife, pray always for your husband and family(1 Thess 5v17)

Friday, May 8, 2015


        Elijah was under specific instruction by God to pay a widow a visit in 1 kings 17. 13, this incident should never be used as a general formula to put a prize tag on every miracle or spiritual duty offered by preachers or especially when the prophet isn't hungry as in this case. This is the bane behind the corruption in many third world nations. Public officers may say, afterall my pastor collects things from people before helping them , therefore I see nothing wrong with kickbacks before issuing government contracts
        There are persons who may argue that they experienced a miracle after they gave a gift to a prophet. if that be the case then grace is null and void.For we are saved by grace not by works and our redemption or deliverance was not purchased with material things like precious metals or money.[NLT] 1 Peter 1:18 "For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver"
    One may also argue that there are persons who do not go to church and yet they receive greater breakthroughs. Does this now nullify faith? Definitely, No. God is a good God and shows kindness to all mankind . It rains and the sun shines upon both the so-called good and the bad,
In 2kings4. Elisha was used by God to multiply oil for a widow to sell and pay her debt. He never requested food or gratification from her. Non of the people Jesus healed was told to bring anything.
Under the new testament we are all anointed . John15:16 and nobody is above correcting.
Galatians 5:19-21 MSG
"It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time:
1) repetitive, loveless, cheap sex;
2) a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage;
3) frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness;
4) trinket gods;
5)magic-show religion;
6)paranoid loneliness;
7)cutthroat competition;
8)all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants;
8) a brutal temper;
9)an impotence to love or be loved;
10) divided homes and divided lives;
11) small-minded and lopsided pursuits;
12)the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival;
13)uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions;
14)ugly parodies of community.
I could go on. This isn’t the first time I have warned you, you know. If you use your freedom this way, you will not inherit God’s kingdom" 
1 Timothy 3:1-7 MSG

"If anyone wants to provide leadership in the church, good! But there are preconditions: A leader must be well-thought-of,
1) committed to his wife,
2) cool and collected,
4)and hospitable.
5)He must know what he’s talking about,
6) not be overfond of wine,
7)not pushy but gentle,
8)not thin-skinned,
9)not money-hungry.
10)He must handle his own affairs well,
11) attentive to his own children and having their respect. For if someone is unable to handle his own affairs, how can he take care of God’s church?
12)He must not be a new believer, lest the position go to his head and the Devil trip him up. 13)Outsiders must think well of him, or else the Devil will figure out a way to lure him into his trap." This list is given so that the seeker of God would not fall into wrong hands.
Satan's agents are in the church masquerading as ministers of the gospel while propagating immorality.1 Corinthians 11:13 -15 "For such  are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves  into the apostles of Christ.And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed  into an angel of light.Therefore  it is no great thing if his ministers also be  transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according  to their works."
     Apostle Paul was subordinate to apostle Peter in the church and yet he wisely rebuked peter for erring[NLT] Galatians 2:11 But when Peter came to Antioch, I had to oppose him to his face, for what he did was very wrong.[NLT] Galatians 2:12 When he first arrived, he ate with the Gentile Christians, who were not circumcised. But afterward, when some friends of James came, Peter wouldn’t eat with the Gentiles anymore. He was afraid of criticism from these people who insisted on the necessity of circumcision.[NLT] Galatians 2:13 As a result, other Jewish Christians followed Peter’s hypocrisy, and even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy[NLT] Galatians 2:14 When I saw that they were not following the truth of the gospel message, I said to Peter in front of all the others, “Since you, a Jew by birth, have discarded the Jewish laws and are living like a Gentile, why are you now trying to make these Gentiles follow the Jewish traditions?
Peter was the church's first superintendent or general overseer. He was teaching destructive heresy that encouraged racism in the church and he was wisereprimanded  for his intransigence. NO GENERAL OVERSEER IS ABOVE CORRECTION.
There is absolutely nothing wrong judging one another. If judging is wrong then nobody should be sent to jail and there should be no law enforcement agencies like the police and the law courts . Judging makes for excellence. Here are some scriptures that commands we judge.
NLT] 1 Corinthians 5:12 It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning.
[NLT] John 7:24 Look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly.”
[NLT] 1 Corinthians 6:2 Don’t you realize that someday we believers will judge the world? And since you are going to judge the world, can’t you decide even these little things among yourselves?
[NLT] 1 Corinthians 6:3 Don’t you realize that we will judge angels? So you should surely be able to resolve ordinary disputes in this life.
[NIV] 1 Corinthians 6:5 I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers?
[ESV] 1 Corinthians 10:15 I speak as to sensible people; judge for yourselves what I say.


On Friday I wrote a short piece called Why women leave men they love – What every man needs to know. Three days later 500,000 people had read it. Something struck a chord. People are reading the article and seeing themselves. Many, many women have shared their relief at knowing they are not alone in their desire for deeper connection.

Men are responding too. “Presence is so damned hot!” says one. Another laments “If only I’d read this two years ago.” A few have pointed out that the roles are reversible, that men want the same things and suer in similar ways. I agree. Which begs the question –Why are women so much more likely to show up in my oce BEFORE they drop the hammer, while men tend to wait until AFTER the hammer is dropped?

We’re ALL subject to social patterns and structures, and gender gures heavily. Assigning blame is a dead-end that always gets us less of what we truly want. Trying to understand what drives our behaviour – collectively, individually and in marriages is potentially enlightening. And so I take the approach of inquiry.

Let’s start with Why are women staying in marriages for years when their husband is emotionally absent? I’ve had numerous women conde that their relationship strategy is basically this: Somehow hold out until the kids are grown, then bye-bye. Which leads us to… Men – how did you not see this coming? Why did you do nothing? (Again, you can ip the gender assignments to suit you.)

Frustrating as the questions are, honest answers exist. I hear them all the time, but never through smiling lips.

I didn’t know any other way.
I hoped it would get better.
I was busy with work.
That’s just the way it is.
I didn’t want to screw up the kids.
Forgive me if I make self-awareness sound easy. The insights above can be extremely hard-won. Of course it takes time, and tears, to get to this place of acknowledging our own part in a painful relationship. We avoid it because it oends our ego. But truth wants to and you.

Therapist David Schnarch says something like “ Only marriage can prepare you for marriage.” What he means is that the problems we encounter in relationship are the right ones, at the right time. They reect our current level of maturity or development. No one expects someone in eighth grade to ace grade twelve exams. But that doesn’t mean exam time isn’t stressful for everyone.

Once we begin coming to terms with the reality of a relationship in crisis, we may turn our attention to how we respond in the face of change. Change happens. It’s not negotiable. Yesterday’s experiences changed us, and we are dierent today. Our choice lies in how we align ourselves with the change process.

Whether or not a couple chooses to stay together when they hit their crisis point, some kind of change will be required. Often one partner makes a decision that changes everything. That’s reality. Avoiding reality has big costs. As Byron Katie observes “When you argue with reality, you lose, but only 100% of the time.” So do we actively participate in the reality of change, accepting the discomfort and uncertainty along with the exhilaration of growth? Or do we resist because change is scary and painful? (Hint – the rst one gives us more and better options.)

I’m opening up comments on this post and I welcome your thoughts and reections.


Justice Schanfarber Counselling – Campbell River BC
As a marriage counsellor working with men and women in relationship crisis, I help clients navigate numerous marriage counselling issues. While many situations are complex, there’s one profoundly simple truth that men need to know. It’s this –Women leave men they love.

They feel terrible about it. It tears the heart out of them. But they do it. They rally their courage and their resources and they leave. Women leave men with whom they have children, homes and lives. Women leave for many reasons, but there’s one reason in particular that haunts me, one that I want men to understand:

Women leave because their man is not present. He’s working, golng, gaming, watching TV, shing… the list is long. These aren’t bad men. They’re good men. They’re good fathers. They support their family. They’re nice, likeable. But they take their wife for granted. They’re not present.

Women in my office tell me “Someone could come and sweep me off my feet, right out from under my husband.” Sometimes the realization scares them. Sometimes they cry.

Men – I’m not saying this is right or wrong. I’m telling you what I see. You can get as angry or hurt or indignant as you want. Your wife is not your property. She does not owe you her soul. You earn it. Day by day, moment to moment. You earn her rst and foremost with your presence, your aliveness. She needs to feel it. She wants to talk to you about what matters to her and to feel you hearing her. Not nodding politely. Not placating. Denitely not playing devil’s advocate.

She wants you to feel her. She doesn’t want absent-minded groping or quick release sex. She wants to feel your passion. Can you feel your passion? Can you show her? Not just your passion for her or for sex; your passion for being alive. Do you have it? It’s the most attractive thing you possess. If you’ve lost it, why? Where did it go? Find out. Find it. If you never discovered it you are living on borrowed time. .

If you think you’re present with your wife, try listening to her. Does your mind wander? Notice. When you look at her, how deeply do you see her? Look again, look deeper. Meet her gaze and keep it for longer than usual, longer than comfortable. If she asks what you’re doing, tell her. “I’m looking into you. I want to see you deeply. I’m curious about who you are. After all these years I still want to know who you are every day.” But only say it if you mean it, if you know it’s true.

Touch her with your full attention. Before you lay your hand on her, notice the sensation in your hand. Notice what happens the moment you make contact. What happens in your body? What do you feel? Notice the most subtle sensations and emotions. (This is sometimes called mindfulness.) Tell her about what you’re noticing, moment to moment.

But you’re busy. You don’t have time for this. How about ve minutes? Five minutes each day. Will you commit to that? I’m not talking about extravagant dinners or nights out (although those are ne too). I’m talking about ve minutes every day to be completely present to the woman you share your life with. To be completely open – hearing and seeing without judgement. Will you do that? I bet once you start, once you get a taste, you won’t want to stop.
Proverbs 5:17-20 MSG

Your spring water is for you and you only, not to be passed around among strangers. Bless your fresh-flowing fountain! Enjoy the wife you married as a young man! Lovely as an angel, beautiful as a rose— don’t ever quit taking delight in her body. Never take her love for granted! Why would you trade enduring intimacies for cheap thrills with a whore? for dalliance with a promiscuous stranger?

Thursday, May 7, 2015


The doctrine of "touch not mine anointed" is the bane behind the insanity and gargantuan impunity among the clergy. The tales of abuse emanating from the pulpits is so overwhelming that most parishioners would rather stay away than be exposed to such mayhem.
Satan has infiltrated in to the Christian circle with the purpose of discrediting God's word. The strategy is to impersonate preachers of the gospel and create make the church unsafe and very obnoxious to the world. There are reports of heinous crimes being perpetrated by these charlatans under a non-existent immunity. Very often, they quote 1chronicles 16:22" Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm." but that statement isn't referring to a prophet without the requisite discipline.
Prophet Abraham recognized the place of the integrity of the prophetic office when he said to the king of Sodom in  [NLT] Genesis 14:23 "that I will not take so much as a single thread or sandal thong from what belongs to you. Otherwise you might say, ‘I am the one who made Abram rich.’ Abraham was a businessman who's business generated him immense wealth. Genesis13:2 "And Abram  was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in  gold." He was a billionaire.
Prophet Elijah maintained his integrity and that of God's word by letting men know , MIRACULOUS HEALING IS A FREE GIFT FROM GOD. [NLT] 2 Kings 5:15 Then Naaman and his entire party went back to find the man of God. They stood before him, and Naaman said, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel. So please accept a gift from your servant.” False prophets.  demand for so-called "miracle seed "in advance.They collect, houses, jewelry, cars etc from unsuspecting victims.
Offerings under the new testament are an expression of one's faith or loyalty and love for God. It is to be prayerfully and wilfully given. When you give a love gift you do it without expecting a payback from the recipients for that would negate the purpose of the gift which is to create a cordial and intimate relationship between the giver and the receiver. THE CHURCH IS DRIVEN BY LOVE THEREFORE GIFTS SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A BARGAINING TOOL. [NLT] Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!  MIRACLES ARE FOR FREE, YOU DO NOT PAY ANYTHING BEFORE AND AFTER A MIRACLE. Jesus expressly told His disciples not to collect money . He never intended a healing ministry to be a money making venture given that poor persons may not be able to pay.
GOD'S SERVANTS DO NOT PRAY AND DEMAND MONEY FROM THOSE PRAYED FOR. In 1 kings 17.13 Elijah was hungry and needed food and prayed that his hosts will not lack food and they never did. It was a singular case that should never be used as a general formula , for that will be illogical. Example, if giving  food to a preacher results in the multiplication of the food then why do we need farms then?
The preacher is expected to render spiritual service without a price . Isaiah 45.13 "I will raise [Cyrus] up in righteousness [willing in every way that which is right and proper], and I will direct all his ways; he will build My city, and he will let My captives go, not for hire or for a bribe, says the Lord of hosts".

Prayer  : Heavenly father forgive me of my sins against you  I believe Jesus Christ died and was raised again for my salvation I receive him as lord and saviour and receive the Holy Spirit and power to live in integrity. 

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