Saturday, May 30, 2015


Let us now summarise the events that lead to the fall of Lucifer and his angels. Lucifer was the anointed cherub who governed the beautiful luxuriant Garden of Eden earth in the Pre-Adamic world. He was adorned with precious stones and gifted with musical instruments to worship God. He had freedom of movement as a trusted holy angel of God to move back and forth from earth to heaven (God’s dwelling place). Lucifer became tempted and sinned when iniquity was found in his heart. He became jealous of God and decided to lead a rebellion to try to usurp God from His throne in heaven. Lucifer, a holy angel and bearer of light, became Satan, a sinful angel of darkness, because of his sin of rebellion. Satan and his angels (a third of the angels) ascended from the earth to rebel against God in heaven. War broke out in heaven and Michael and his angels defeated Satan and his angels, who were violently cast back down to earth (Revelation 12:4) with cataclysmic global consequences for the earth. Satan and his angels are now confined to earth and its atmosphere, chained in spiritual darkness, reserved until their final judgement in the Lake of Fire. We can now confidently conclude that when the Bible says in Genesis 1:2, 'The earth became chaotic and wasted and darkness was on the face of the deep... ' that the Bible is speaking about God's global cataclysmic tohuw and bohuw judgement when He cast Satan and his fallen angels back down to earth because of their sin of rebellion. This all happened sometime, millions of years ago, in the Pre-Adamic Age. The beautiful Pre-Adamic Garden of Eden earth of Genesis 1:1, which God created in the beginning, was transformed into a totally ruined chaotic earth shrouded in darkness and covered by deep frozen flood waters (ice) by the time we come to Genesis 1:2.  The Bible affirms that Genesis 1:2 is indeed speaking about the state of the earth, which resulted from God’s judgement, and it is not the description of a stage in the construction of the earth, as mistakenly believed by some Creationists. The Hebrew words tohuw and bohuw occur together in the same verse only twice in the whole of the Bible. The first time is in Genesis 1:2 and the second time is in Jeremiah 4:23, which also describes God’s global judgement. However, the Jeremiah 4:23 global judgement of God is yet to be carried out against this present sinful world at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Let us now clearly further demonstrate that the words tohuw and bohuw used in Genesis 1:2 are in fact describing God’s global judgement in the Pre-Adamic Age. We demonstrate this by comparing Genesis 1:2 with Jeremiah 4:23 to appreciate that both of these verses speak about God’s tohuw and bohuw global judgements. Genesis 1:2 (NIV)Now the earth was (hayah, meaning became) formless (tohuw), and empty (bohuw), darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Jeremiah 4:23 (NIV)I looked at the earth, and it was formless (tohuw), and empty (bohuw); and at the heavens, and their light was gone. Genesis 1:2 is a description of God’s global tohuw and bohuw judgement against sinful fallen angels carried out at some point in the Pre-Adamic Age millions of years ago, as discussed previously.   
    We know from the Bible that there was another global judgement when God flooded and destroyed the whole of Noah’s world, approximately 4300 years ago, because of the wickedness of men who were deceived and inspired by Satan and his fallen angels. This global judgement of God against Noah’s world was not a tohuw and bohuw judgement. However, there will be yet another global judgement referred to in Jeremiah 4:23 above, which will be a tohuw and bohuw judgement against this present sinful world of man, which remains deceived and inspired by Satan and his fallen angels. This future global judgement will occur at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Jeremiah was inspired to write about future events that will come to pass in this present age, during the final period of the Great Tribulation at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Jeremiah 4:5-28 is a prophecy about God's horrific tohuw and bohuw judgement against Israel and the whole world ,readers may have to refer to Jeremiah 4:5-28 in their Bibles to note the following points. Verses 6 and 7 say that God will bring disaster and destruction from the north upon Israel. Israel will become desolate, and its cities will be laid waste. Verse 8 says that the fierce anger of the Lord will not be turned back. Verse 12 says that God will speak judgement against the people of Jerusalem. Verse 13 speaks about the return of Jesus Christ on the clouds. Verses 14 to 18 speak about people's wickedness. Verse 20 says that God will bring destruction upon destruction. We now come to the key verse Jeremiah 4:23.  Jeremiah 4:23 (NIV)I looked at the earth, and it was formless (tohuw), and empty (bohuw); and at the heavens, and their light was gone. Notice that Jeremiah saw the whole earth in a state of tohuw and bohuw, which means a chaotic, wasted and empty state. Also, he saw that the heavens had no light, meaning that the earth was plunged into total darkness. The state of the earth, which Jeremiah saw, resembles the description of the earth as given in Genesis 1:2, except that there was no global flooding. This is because God promised never to flood the earth again following Noah's flood. Let us now read Jeremiah 4:24-28, in order to clearly understand what the future tohuw and bohuw judgement will involve. 
    Jeremiah 4:24-28. 24 "I beheld the mountains, and indeed they trembled, And all the hills moved back and forth. 25 I beheld, and indeed there was no man, And all the birds of the heavens had fled. 26 I beheld, and indeed the fruitful land was a wilderness, And all its cities were broken down at the presence of the LORD, by His fierce anger. 27 For thus says the LORD "The whole land shall be desolate; Yet I will not make a full end. 28 For this shall the earth mourn, And the heavens above be black, Because I have spoken. I have purposed and will not relent, Nor will I turn back from it".  Please bear in mind that in these verses Jeremiah is speaking about the future judgement against this present world, at the return of Jesus Christ. Notice that this future tohuw and bohuw judgement will not only involve the sun being darkened but also the mountains will shake and the hills will be moved out of their place, and the earth will be reduced to a wilderness. This tohuw and bohuw judgement against the whole earth at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, as prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah, is also described and prophesied by Apostle John in Revelation 6:12-17, and by Jesus Christ Himself in Matthew 24:29-30. You will note that there are close similarities between these three prophecies, which means that they are speaking of the same global tohuw and bohuw judgement.  By putting together the scriptures Jeremiah 4:24-28, Revelation 6:12-17 and Matthew 24:29-30, we can clearly see that God’s future global tohuw and bohuw judgement at the end of this present age will be absolutely cataclysmic, involving the powers of the heavens being shaken, the stars (meteorites) falling onto earth, the sun and the moon being darkened, great earthquakes and upheavals causing every mountain and every island to shake and move out of its place, great global devastation of the earth's surface causing chaos and waste, massive destruction of all types of life, and surviving unbelievers so terrified that they hide away from the face of the returning Jesus Christ and His wrath. Unlike the previous tohuw and bohuw judgement in the Pre-Adamic Age when all living plants and animals were totally destroyed, God will not totally destroy ‘not make a full end’ to all life on earth in the future tohuw and bohuw judgement. There will be a proportion of earth’s population who will survive it to enter Christ’s Millennial Kingdom on earth, over whom Christ and His resurrected Bride will rule and reign. As mentioned, it is significant that the Hebrew wordstohuw and bohuw occur together in the same verse only twice in the Bible, the first time in Genesis 1:2 and the second time in Jeremiah 4:23. We have highlighted and described in detail the future judgement against this present sinful world of man referred to in Jeremiah 4:23, to further prove the point that Genesis 1:2 also speaks about God’s global judgement. Genesis 1:2 is definitely not the description of a stage in the construction of the earth, as mistakenly believed by some Creationists. There should now be no doubt in the minds of our readers that Genesis 1:2 is a description of the state of the earth resulting from the horrific cataclysmic global judgement, which God carried out in the Pre-Adamic Age, because of the sins of angels; and there is indeed an age-gap of many millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. This age-gap is the Pre-Adamic Age. Please understand that the Pre-Adamic Age consisted of two long periods of time, which together would have been millions of years. During the first long period of time, the earth was a beautiful Garden of Eden as first created in the beginning when the angels rejoiced over it. During the second long period of time, the earth was in a totally ruined state, after it had been destroyed in God’s judgement of Satan and his angels, until it was renewed by God at the beginning of the Adamic Age. The Pre-Adamic earth was destroyed because of the sins of angels. However, God understood right from the beginning, before He created the universe and the earth, that this would happen because God is all knowing and He knows the end from the beginning. Although God destroyed the Pre-Adamic earth, it was always in His Plan to renew the earth and start the Second Age, the Adamic Age. This was when God created man in His image, the pinnacle of His creation. God created the first man, Adam, at the beginning of the Second Age when God renewed the earth and its atmosphere in the six-day creation week.  Some Creationists confuse the beginning of the Pre-Adamic Age, which happened many millions of years ago with the beginning of the Adamic Age, which happened only approximately six-ten thousand years ago. 
    Let us be clear in our minds that: Genesis 1:1 refers to the beginning of time, many millions of years ago, when God first created the heavens and the earth. This also marked the beginning of the First Age, the Pre-Adamic Age, in God's Plan of the Ages. Genesis 1:3-5 refers to the first 24-hour day in the beginning of the Adamic Age, the Second Age, long after God had destroyed the Pre-Adamic world through His global tohuw and bohuw judgement because of the sins of angels. The Adamic Age started about six-ten thousand years ago.  The Beginning of the Adamic Age As we have shown, the original beautiful Garden of Eden earth of Genesis 1:1 became the ruined, chaotic, dark and flooded earth of Genesis 1:2 when Satan and his fallen angels were cast back down to earth, following their rebellion at some point in the Pre-Adamic Age. In Genesis 1:3-5, we find that God reintroduced the light of the sun to shine onto the earth's surface at the dawn of the Second Age, the Adamic Age. Genesis 1:3-53 Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. 4 And God saw the light that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.  It is clear and logically follows that when God said, ‘Let there be light’ in verse 3 above, it was the light of the sun, which God had previously withheld from reaching the earth’s surface when it became shrouded in darkness in God’s global tohuw and bohuw judgement. We know for certain that the sun had already been created in the beginning (Genesis 1:1), along with the rest of the heavens, and this was many millions of years before God reintroduced the light (of the sun) as described in the verses above. Please understand that there could not have been the first 24 hour day of evening and morning without the light of the sun, and it is impossible for the earth to hang and rotate by itself in the universe without the gravitational pull of the sun. Since, Some Creationists believes that it was not until the fourth day that God created the sun, it becomes a huge problem for these creationists to explain how there could have been the first 24 hours of day and night without the sun. In order to get over this dilemma, they teach that it was the light of the Holy Spirit which shone on the earth for the first three 24 hour days of the six-day creation week. Of course, anything is possible with God, but we find the this explanation not only unscriptural, but also totally illogical. It further invites derision and unbelief in the Word of God from educational establishments and scientists. The rest of the Genesis account of creation, Genesis 1:3-31, makes complete sense, once we understand that God had darkened the sun and withdrawn its light from the earth in His Pre-Adamic tohuw and bohuw judgement against Satan and his angels. When God began the Second Age, the Adamic Age, He reintroduced the light of the sun to the earth, and renewed the earth's surface and its atmosphere. Then, God recreated plant and animal life, and finally He created mankind for the very first time, as described in the six-day creation account of Genesis 1:3-31, which happened approximately six-ten thousand years ago.  God’s creation in the first six 24-hour days of the Adamic Age   Let us clearly understand that there is absolutely no contradiction whatsoever between Genesis 1:1, where it is says that God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning, and Genesis 1:14-19 where it says that God made the sun, the moon and the stars on the fourth day. Once we see and understand that the whole of the six-day creation account is written from man’s earthly perspective rather than from a cosmic perspective, then the scriptures become clear and everything make sense. 
    Day One (Genesis 1:3-5)God reintroduces the light of the sun to reach and shine onto the surface of the deep frozen flood waters that completely covered the ruined earth. The effect of this heat and sudden change in temperature resulted in a massive global ice melt. The massive ice sheet covering the surface of the whole earth must have been so thick that the Spirit of God first needed to shake, break and soften it in preparation for the melting process. We believe that this is exactly what happened as Genesis 1:2 says that 'the Spirit of God was moving (rachaph) over the face of the waters (ice)'. The Hebrew word "rachaph" translated to mean ‘moving’ in some versions of the Bible also means ‘shaking’, as confirmed by Strong’s H7363. God’s Spirit first actively shook, broke up and softened the deep ice sheet covering the whole earth in preparation for the great ice melt that took place, once the intense sunlight with its heat was reintroduced onto the earth's surface on Day One. 
   Day Two (Genesis 1:6-8)God forms the firmament by lifting the 'waters from the waters'. The firmament refers to the space or expanse within the earth’s atmosphere between the earth’s surface and the cloud strata. God formed the firmament using the process of evaporation, when the intense heat of the sunlight caused vast volumes of water vapour to rise up from the surface of the melt-waters to form dense dark clouds in the sky. 
   Day Three (Genesis 1:9-13)God forms the dry land by causing the melt-waters to recede from the flooded earth. He also causes plant life on land to start germinating in this warm, humid, cloud-darkened, cocooned environment.
   Day Four Genesis 1:14-1914 Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament (the space between the earth’s surface and the clouds) of the heavens (the earth’s atmosphere) to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth"; and it was so. 16 Then God made (asah) two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.  At the beginning of Day Four, God said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven’. Therefore, we can certainly conclude that by the end of Day Three the firmament of the heaven (the space between the earth’s surface and the clouds) had become darkened by the dense clouds of water vapour formed on Day Two. These clouds would have blocked out light - sunlight, moonlight and starlight - from reaching the firmament and thus the earth's surface. So, on Day Four God thinned and dispersed these dense dark clouds so that the sunlight, moonlight and starlight could shine through the firmament down onto the earth’s surface. Therefore, from an earthly perspective, the sun, the moon and the stars were made (asah) on Day Four 'for signs and seasons, and for days and years' for the benefit of man, who was yet to be created on Day Six. Notice that verse 17 above, does not say that God created (bara) these lights on Day Four, but that He set these lights in the firmament, meaning that He made them appear, be visible, in the firmament from man’s earthly perspective. We know from the very first verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1, that these lights (planets, stars) had already been created (bara) in the beginning, and not on Day Four.

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