Saturday, June 16, 2018


This is what the Koran says about the Bible in Sura 2:62(Al-Baqara)-"believers Jews, Christians, and Sabaeans-whoever believes in Allah and the last day and does what is right- shall be rewarded by their Lord;they have nothing to fear or regret".
This is what it says about
Jesus Christ 
Sura 3:45(al-imran)-"The Angels said to Mariam(Mary): Allah bids you rejoice in a Word from Him. His Name is al-Masih(Messiah), Isa the Son of Mariam. He shall be noble in this world and in the next, and shall be favored by Allah. When the Angel appeared to Mary to announce the birth of Jesus, he said in: Sura 19:19(mariam)- " 'I am the messenger of your Lord', he replied, 'and have come to give you a holy son.' "
Jesus is called a Holy Son, this means without fault or sin.
Sura 10:34(yunus)- "can any of your partners(associate-gods) produce a creation, then reproduce it? Allah produces a creation, then reproduce it."
Only God can create and give life. In Sura 3:49(al-imran)- (Jesus speaking) "I bring you a sign from your Lord. From clay, I will make for you the likeness of a bird, I shall breath into it and, by Allah's leave, it shall become a living bird. By Allah's leave, I shall give sight to the blind man, heal the leper and raise the dead to life." the Koran identifies Jesus as the One with divine power and authority.
Jesus Christ is the only prophet in the Koran who does not confess his sins. There are tradition in the hadith(the record of the prophet Mohammed's sayings and actions not recorded in the Koran) that says: Abu Huraira reported Allah's messenger as saying, "there is none among the sons of Adam who is born but not touched by satan at the time of his birth. So he cried loudly because of satan's touch. But this is not the case with Mary and her Son". Remember in Sura 19:19, Jesus is called the holy Son, without sin.
Sura 4:171(al-nisa)- "Al-Masih(Messiah), Isa(Jesus) the Son of Mariam, was no more than Allah's apostle and His Word which He bestowed on Mariam, and a Spirit proceeding from Him." as in John 1:1Bible.
Jesus is the Spirit of God(Ruhull-Ilah) and the Word of God. Moses is called God's spokesman in the Koran, and Abraham is called the friend of God while Mohammed is called the messenger of God-Jesus Christ is called the SPIRIT and WORD OF GOD. 
Jesus Christ is pronounced holy and sinless in Islam, but the prophet Mohammed often confessed his sins- Suras 40:55;47:19;48:2. Read to Mohammed's own confession in Sum 49:9(al-ahqaf)- "say, I am no prodigy(marvel or special one) among the apostles;nor do I know what will be done with me or you, I follow only what is revealed to me, and my only duty is to give plain warning." the Koran in; Sura 3:55(al-imran)- "Allah said, Isa(Jesus). I am about to cause your term on earth to end and lift you up to Me. I shall take you away from those who disbelieve and exalt your followers above them till the Day of Resurrection". God says followers of Jesus will be exalted until the Day of Resurrection. yet? 
It is worthy of note, that Sura 3:55 says "I am about to cause your term on earth to end". The Arabic here says "Inim wuta wafika" which literally means, "I will cause you to die". Also in Sura 19:33(mariam) Jesus is quoted as saying: "so peace be on me on the day I was born and on the day i die ; and may peace be upon me on the day when I shall be raised to life." the Koran bears testimony to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! 
What does the Koran say about the Bible
Sura 5:68(al-maida)- "say:people of the Book(Christians and Jews),you stand for nothing until you observe the Torah and the Gospel and that which is revealed to you from your Lord."
Sura 4:136(al-nisa)- "O believers, have faith in Allah and His Apostles, in the Book He formerly revealed(Bible). He that denies Allah, His angels, His apostles, and the last Day, has strayed far from the truth".
Sure 5:48(al-maida)- "And to you We have revealed the Book with truth confirming what was revealed before it in the other Books and standing as a guardian over it". The Koran was to be the Guardian of all the previously revealed Scripture. If the Bible is corrupted, then the Koran failed in its work. Sum 5:43(al-maida) the Koran confirms the truthfulness of the Torah(law of Moses, Old Testament) when prophet Mohammed met some Jews in Arabia, Allah said to him, "But why do they come to you for judgement when they already have the Torah in which is Allah's own judgement?". Furthermore, in Sura 5:47, the Koran says, "Let the followers of the Gospel judge according with what Allah has revealed therein. Evil doers are those who do not base their judgement on Allah's revelation". This confirms that the Bible was known to Prophet Mohammed and he had full confidence in its truthfulness. 
Mohammed was even told, "If thou(Mohammed) art in doubt concerning that which we revealed unto thee, then question those who read the Scriptures before thee."(Sura 10:94-yunus).
Prophet Mohammed was told to refer to the Christians for fuller spiritual understanding. The Bible was fully written, authenticated and compiled 500years before Mohammed was born. Sura 6:115(al-an'am) says: "perfected are the words of your Lord in truth and justice. None can change them. He is the Hearing, the Knowing". The Torah and the Gospel are the word of the Lord, according to the Koran, so no one can change them! If the Bible has been changed then Koran is not true. But the Bible has not been changed; it must be studied and respected as the Word of God.
Sura 29:46(al-ankabut) says: "And do not argue with the people of the Books(Jews and Christians) except in the best way,unless it be with those among them who do evil, say:we believe in that which is revealed to us which was revealed to you. Our God and your God is One. To Him we surrender ourselves."
The Koran says in Sum 35:18(fatir): "No soul shall bear another's burden. If a laden soul cries out for help, nothing of its burden will be carried even by a relative.".meaning salvation is by a Messiah and not by self effort.
The work of Christians is to help these precious people discover who the Messiah is.
Copied. Source unknown

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