Chambers Dictionary defines ‘deception’ as ‘the act of deceiving or misleading;
trick; illusion. The scripture describes Satan as the father of lies’ (John
8:44) Have you ever been lied to convincingly, now what you had experienced was
the result of a baby lying to you; now imagine how convincing when the originator
of lies decides to trick you. Satan is the grandmaster /teacher of all
tricksters or 419 ‘ers across the globe. Speaking to the religious tricksters
of his time, Jesus said, “For you are the children of your father the devil and
you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning
and a hater of truth – there is not an iota of truth in him. When he lies, it
is perfectly normal; for he is the father of liars”. John 8:44 Lb.
Satan will
never allow you attend a church where sound doctrine is taught. Teachers of the
truth make you responsible for your action and we are in a generation where
rebellion and irresponsibility are the order of the day and as such people
prefer to attend religious meetings where they are told ‘they are not
responsible for their actions’ but rather their failures are as a result of a
curse or hex from a witch or voodoo priest or the evil machinations of a
phantom enemy. This is the carry over effect of the spirit of failure from the
first man ‘Adam’ in his time who attributed his failure to obey God’s
commandment to his wife.
As long as
we keep abdicating responsibility to someone else, we deprive ourselves of the
positive changes in our way of doing things which are a sine-qua-non for
successful and happy living. Hard work
under the premise of divine principles is the key to ultimate success in life.
If you work hard at marriage you will have a successful marriage, the same goes
for every other sphere of life, “Hard work means prosperity; only a fool idles
away means prosperity; only a fool idles away his time” Prov. 12:11 Lb.
There is a
no substitute for hard work unfortunately a lot of Christians have substituted
hard work with prayer as they spend
unending hours praying instead of working. That is why our churches are flooded
with beggars and mediocres. This is the result of an irresponsible life style.
And creates a veritable ground for the propagation of Satan’s lies,
exploitation and abuse.
If the
devil and his demons have been stripped of their authority as it is written “I
have been given all authority in heaven and earth”. Matt. 28:19. And “… I have
given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and to walk among serpents
and scorpions and to crush them. Nothing shall injure you!” Luke 10:19 Lb. Why
are there so many defeated Christians? The devil tricks or deceives us into
believing that a lie is the truth; that something is real when it isn’t; that
wrong is right, and right is wrong.
If we
believe his lies, he has gained a foot hold in our lives. He will then take as
much room as we will give to him. He has no legal right to do this, but he will
if we allow him to.
The purpose
of Satan is to illegally kill, steal and destroy that which belongs to the
children of God.
We have the
power and authority to stop him every time. However, he will try to make us
think that we do not. He will seek to look and act as if he is in command. He
wants us to think and feel like we are weak, helpless victims under his power
and control. If he can deceive us, the devil knows we will fall back in fear
and not resist him in faith. Accusation
And condemnation: Satan would first of all mislead us to do an immoral
did after which he quickly turns around to put blame on us this making us feel
guilty and weak in faith. The charges against us may be true or false. In
either case, if we accept it, we will feel guilty and weak in faith. The charges
against us may be true or false. In either case, if we accept it, we will feel
guilty and unfit. We are consequently brought under the fear of judgment or
Conviction versus Condemnation.
Every born
again Christian must know the difference between the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the Condemnation of
the devil. This will help us withstand the attacks from Satan and his cohorts.
The Holy
Spirit will ‘convict’ (to prove guilty us of sin by clearly pointing it out to
us through the voice of our conscience. Once we see our guilt, we repent (turn
from our sin). True repentance causes us to be sorry that we have sinned
against the law and love of our heavenly Father.
The Holy
Spirit will then move us to confess our sin and receive God’s forgiveness. In
this we are restored to the joy of our salvation in Christ. “But if we confess
our sins to him, he can be depended on to forgive us and to cleanse us from
every wrong..” I Jn. 1:9.Lb.
you and you only have I sinned and done evil in your sight… wash me and I will
be whiter than snow… Hide your face from my sins, erase them from your sight…
create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a strong, right spirit within me…
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and give me a willing spirit that wants
to do your will”. (Ps. 51:4, 7, 9, 10, 12).
The enemy
always ‘accuses and condemns’ us for both our sins and our weaknesses. Most of
the times, we are not even guilty of the things for which we are charged.
However, his intentions are to bring us into feelings of both doom and despair.
He wants us to think that God has cut us off and that we have little hope for
the future. If this trick does not succeed then he will seek to keep us under
an uneasy cloud of divine disapproval. His desire is to so weaken our faith, that
we will feel we aren’t strong enough to fight against him. Today, we have a lot
of people who believe that their situation cannot be changed. The devil is a
liar, positive change is coming your way in Jesus name.
The devil
makes us feel guilty and condemned so that our faith in God will be inoperative
and paralyzed, then he (the devil) can now afflict us with diseases, poverty,
destruction and death, “if our hearts condemn us not, them we have faith towards God” I Jn. 3:2 If our heart is heavy
with condemnation, our faith will be weak or we will be without any faith.
faith, we will not fight! That is what the devil wants – a Christian who will
not fight or resist.
False Accusation. The name ‘devil’ means one who accuses or falsely
blames another. More Christians are defeated by accusation and
Even when
we sin and quickly confess our faults to the Lord, Satan repeats the imagines
of the sinful acts to our subconscious man and reminds us of how un-Christ-
like we are, We repent over the same sin repeatedly, but can’t seem to get free
from our feeling of guilt. It spoils our prayer life and hinders our worship.
It robs us of our peace and joy and weakness our faith. We loose self
confidence to fight the battles of life and Satan quickly tells us that we are
at his mercy because we have failed in our Christian walk.
Evil And lying Thoughts The devil
attacks us by shooting evil thoughts as “fiery darts” into our minds. They come
at special times such as during prayer, worship or holy communion. Satan then
tells us that we are not good Christians and that other Christians do not have
such thoughts thus bringing us into condemnation and destruction.
our blessings from God and authority over the devil are not based on our
holiness or good works. Sometimes we all do sin and come short of God’s holy purpose
for our lives.
Heavenly Father, forgive me of my
sins, I receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Amen.
For prayer & counseling call. +234
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twitter : @pastormikeblive Blackberry
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