- The beginning of the
destruction of the institution of marriage-
“Homosexuality is absolutely forbidden, for it is an
enormous sin” Leviticus 18.22.
“God shows
his anger from heaven against all sinful, evil men who push away the truth from
them… they knew about him all right, but they wouldn’t admit or worship him or
even thank him for all his daily care… so God let them go ahead into every sort
of sex sin,… instead if believing what they knew was the truth about God, they
deliberately chose to believe lies… That
is why God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even
their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin
with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships
with women, burned with lust for
each other, men doing shameful things with other men and as a result, getting
paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved … Romans
1.18 –27.
The chambers Dictionary defines
this term as “having or relating to sexual attraction to members of one’s own
sex or a person sexually attracted only to one’s own sex or a person sexually
attracted only to others of their own sex.
dictionary defines what is normal as that which is according to rule; not
deviating from the standard; regular, typical, ordinary; well-adjusted
mentally; functioning regularly; Homosexuals do not follow or fulfill any of
these criteria of normality therefore Homosexuality or lesbianism is an
abnormal way of life. The Holy Bible calls this behaviour abnormal.
OF HOMOSEXUALITY: With the advent
of the internet and the ease of travel from one part of the globe to the other
it has become quite easier for proponents of this lifestyle to bond with their
counterparts from the other parts of the world as a result pornographic
materials depicting Homosexuality and lesbianism are found in virtually every
nook and cranny of our society.
Addicts are
quick to say that is an alternative lifestyle that has gained quite some
popularity and therefore is here to stay. It is erroneous to assume that the
popularity of a negative lifestyle will automatically turn into a positive
virtue. For instance, driving on the opposite lane against vehicular
traffic is an alternative lifestyle
however it’s popularity would not make it a right thing to do. The
implications; incessant traffic hold-ups- are not far-fetched.
OF SAME-SEX MARRIAGE: This involves giving legal backing to Homosexuals to
consummate their relationship as a man would with his wife. Thus, a man would
be free to marry a fellow man and receive the same constitutional benefits as
in a man-woman marriage relationship. That would mean having homosexuals
expressing their sexual intimacy in public such as the holding of hands,
kissing etc. It also involves having Homosexual as Bishops, Pastors, imams,
headmasters, Newscasters, Military officers, senators, and President of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria.
that have legalized same sex marriage have witnessed a rapid decline and
deterioration of it’s moral fibre as Homosexuality is nothing but an affront on
the institution of marriage which consists of a man and a woman in a common
bond of matrimonial relationship. Homosexuals themselves confirm this status by
having one of them acting out as a woman; there are also instances of
homosexuals adopting babies in other to fill the void created by the absence of
the opposite sex. This introduces the baby into a world of identity crises and
at the end the child grows up to become socially and psychologically
imbalanced. This imbalance now leads to the corrosion of communal values such
as customs and traditions. This leads to insensitivity towards each other as
the value for human life plummets and irrationalism becomes the order of the
day. A war of the sexes becomes eminent. That is why in Europe and America
where homosexuality has been legalized, it is common place to hear of serial
killers whose victims where women and
vice versa. Other forms of sexual vices become rampant.
“But it takes
only one wrong person among you to infect all the others – a little yeast
spreads quickly through the whole batch of dough! Galatians 5.9
all it takes
for a total break down of societal and moral order is for those sadled with the
SACRED responsibility of instituting godly laws which serve to protect society
to make compromise by accepting to constitutionalize same sex marriage thus
equating good with evil. This will automatically stir up other ungodly
so-called human right activities who will then overwhelm the legislative arm of
government with bills such as we have in America and Europe that legitimizes
pornography which is Satan’s door –way to absolute sodomy. The resultant effect
would be the proliferation of sexual immorality such as paedophilia (sexual
desire whose object is children), incest (i.e sexual relations with near
relatives Lev.18:10-18 or immediate family Lev. 18:6-9) promiscuity (casual
sexual acts as depicted in most western movies, Adultery (sexual relations
person Deut. 22. 22) Prostitution (acceptance if money for sexual intercourse
Deut. 23:17-18) Bestiality (i.e having sexual acts with animals Lev. 18.23).
These and other lewd acts are rampant in societies where homosexuality has been
consequences of legalizing a sexually immoral act sets the stage for the
collapse of the institution of marriage-the bedrock of a sound moral
upbringing-today, 50% of the marriages in America and England end up in divorce
after a year of marriage. Those societies struggle daily with the menace of STD’s (Sexually
Transmitted Diseases) such as HIV/AIDS. There is also an upsurge in the rate of
teenage pregnancies, multiple abortions; and this has increased the rate of
maternal deaths due to abortion related complications. Our churches are now
inundated with women seeking for the fruit of the womb due to the damaging
effects of sexual immorality as most of them find it difficult to conceive and as a result lots of marriages
are falling apart.
“Destruction is certain for those who say that evil is
good and good is evil; that dark is light and light is dark; that bitter is
sweet and sweet is bitter” Isaiah 5.20.
our law
makers where put in office by God to promulgate righteous laws designed to
bring glory to God, thus promoting joy and peace to the populace. They should
therefore resist the pressure form these
pseudo- human –rights groups whose patrons and
major sponsors are the producers of pornographic paraphernalia such as
condoms, pills, pornographic movies etc , these see our large population as a
viable market to sell their products as they are presently doing in the public
schools on America and Europe were condoms are freely distributed to children
in public schools and today we have a sex industry with an estimated worth of
over 5 billion U.S Dollars. Law makers are given mouth watering offers to enact
bad laws at the expense of the safety of their children and loved ones who are
suffering under the consequences of the wrong decisions made by past
governments. Monies that would have been used to build good roads and other
essentials are diverted towards buying drugs to fight the scurge of the various
STD’S which attack the workforce of the nation thus destroying the economy of
the nation.
Adultery, fornication, homosexuality, sensuality, impure
desire and degrading passions are considered grave sins in the sight of God.
They are a transgression of the law of love and a defiling of the marriage
relationship such sins are severely condemned in scripture. Making a practice
of these sins places one outside the kingdom of God. (Romans 1.24-32, 1 Cor.
6.9, 10, Gal. 5: 19-21).
EDUCATION: God created sex to be
an intimate bonding experience between a husband and wife. Homosexual practices
violate God’s design. We must not take sexual sin lightly indifference about it
only conveys acceptance, and God does not want us to accept sin. Parents need
to teach their children that God has made provision for sexual union within the
bonds of marriage between a man and a woman (Gen. 2:23-24). If we don’t tell
our kids the truth about sex, someone will tell them a lie.
Heavenly, Father forgive me of
my sexual sins and wash me clean from filthy thoughts on sex, I pray in Jesus
name. Amen.
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