Wednesday, March 5, 2025


 The anointing of God's favour is bringing you to a place of virtue and great value , you shall not be disgraced 


By Rev Michael Benson Ajayi 

   1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (AMP) reminds us, “Do you not know and understand that you [the church] are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells permanently in you?... For the temple of God is holy [sacred], and that is what you are.” Similarly, Romans 8:11 teaches that the Spirit of God resides in our bodies, marking us as His dwelling place on earth.

   When we are born again, our spirits are renewed, but our souls (mind, will, and emotions) and bodies are not. This explains why memories and habits from the past can linger even after salvation, despite 2 Corinthians 5:17 declaring that old things have passed away. This process of transformation is ongoing, as Ephesians 5:25-26 describes Christ cleansing us through His Word.

    Jesus emphasized that defilement comes from within. In Mark 7:15, 20-23, He explained that evil thoughts, immorality, and other sins proceed from the heart, making a person unclean. The Greek word for “defile” (κοινόω, koinoó) means to make common or impure, while “unclean” (ἀκάθαρτος, akathartos) refers to moral impurity.

   Even among Christ’s disciples, uncleanness was present. In John 13:10-11, Jesus noted that although His disciples were generally clean, Judas was not. This illustrates that a follower of Christ can be spiritually unclean.

   An unclean vessel is unfit for God’s use. 2 Timothy 2:20-21 compares this to a dirty cup, urging believers to cleanse themselves for honorable use. Psalm 119:9 and James 1:21 further emphasize purifying oneself with God’s Word.

   Therefore, maintaining a clean house—spirit, soul, and body—is crucial for living as God’s holy temple.

 In our daily prayers we should seek a healthy appetite for God's word and purity in the serving the lord .

PRAYER: Heavenly Father forgive me of my sins against you I believe Jesus Christ died and was raised again for my salvation I receive him as lord and saviour and receive the Holy Spirit and power to live in true holiness.

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